Detect Slime (sage ability)
Detect Slime is an amateur-status sage ability in the study of Slime Moulds, allowing the character to recognise the scent of slimes, puddings, oozes and jellies as they approach. This skill does not apply to moulds or metamorphs. When the character moves within 20 feet of one of these creatures, they must make a constitution check, even if the creature is not visible (as long as the barrier between them is not airtight).
A successful check allows the character to detect which general sort is being encountered, though it does not reveal the exact species (an ochre jelly or a genatinous cube, for example, smell very much alike). The character gains a general sense of direction and distance, such as whether it is ahead, above, below, beneath the floor or the probability of it being inside something visible. The only information definite information provided, however, is the presence of the creature's distinct odour.
If the character encounters the residue left behind by one of these creatures, they can, by examining the consistency, colour and odour of the remains, determine more precisely which sort was present. It's also possible to tell if the passage was recent or if the creature has long since moved on. If inspecting a partially dissolved corpse or other semi-dissolved material, the character can discern the precise nature of the creature's attack — whether it was corrosive, necrotic or suffocating, which provides clear and actionable information.