Simple Prognostication (sage ability)

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Choose Prognostication is an amateur-status sage ability in the study of Divination that allows a direct understanding of how much danger the character is in, provided they're able to employ one of these traditional forms of seeking knowledge through supernatural means: casting lots, reading tea leaves, gazing into a crystal ball (that need not be magical) or the use of tarot cards. The effort requires just ten rounds, whereupon he or she know the potential danger that lies at four points of the compass, generally speaking.

The degree of knowledge stipulates one of these four potential stages:

A high probability of death. Takes into account the character's hit points and relative health, if there is any chance of encountering a saving throw that might cause death, mind enslavement or petrification; the presence of creatures able to cause massive damage; highly dangerous environmental hazards; or enemies that number at least three times more than the party in number or hit dice.
Considerable danger ahead. The presence of supernatural creatures; the possibility of energy drain, paralysis, charm or breath weapon; the presence of formidable foes, stronger than the party but not overwhelming; the certainty of conflict and malevolence; and the possibility of death occurring, but not in an extreme sense.
A manageable challenge. Something lies ahead that offers some threat, but the chance of dying would require a run of bad luck; obstacles or opponents in that direction are not as strong as the party; it may not be necessary to expend spells and charges to defeat whatever waits ahead; at worst, there may be puzzles or obstacles ahead that are impossible to bypass.
Safe. No threat lies in that direction.

The character is able to access this information but one time per day. The dungeon master's assurances should be relied upon, as the message given is returned from the gods, who know everything that's in the DM's mind.

See Augury (spell)