A thorp is a tiny group settlement providing minimal specialised labour for agricultural farmlands. The basis of prosperity depends upon the collection and transhipping of base materials such as food produce, wood and stone. The habitat is solely economic, existing without political dependence; the inhabitants consist entirely of free persons. It's hardly governed, as the institution takes no part in providing group services, collecting taxes or otherwise maintaining any part except their personal holdings.
Buildings | Population |
boat dock | 1-3 |
farmhouse & virgate | d6+1 |
garner & hovel | 2d4-1 |
gristmill | d4+d6-1 |
ox tether | 1 or 2-3 |
saw pit | 1d3+1d4+2 |
A thorp is sure to include a garner and water well, with at least one hovel. A second hovel, attached to an adjacent virgate-sized farm, is likely to exist. This accounts for 3-14 people. If no road better than a cart path exists, then there's sure to be ox tether, allowing 4-17 people.
If the thorp is located in woodland or other ranges with trees, woodcutting and the use of a saw pit are important trades, greatly increasing the population to 8-26 people. And if there's a river of sufficient size (2 pts.), the thorp will have a boat dock and a gristmill, enabling a population of 10-38. If the number is low, most will be adults; if high, most will be children. Services are as like to be provided by parent and offspring, siblings or married couples.