Water Discipline (sage ability)

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Water discipline is an authority-status sage ability in the study of Blightlander that grants the character ability to carefully preserve water, its use and its loss from the body through dehydration. The character knows best when to drink water, how to function without excess expenditure of water and limit ways in which the body loses water (moment-to-moment effort, for example, or reducing ways in which effort would be excessive).

If the character has an authority knowledge in scouting, overall water loss due to diffusion, respiration and perspiration can be reduced as much as 10% ... this benefit cannot be applied to other forms of dehydration. A character with authority knowledge as a blightlander can do even better, reducing water loss by 15%.

In addition, an authority blightlander can reduce similar water loss for up to seven other characters by 5% each — so long as these characters listen closely and follow the instructions of the blightlander. However, it should be noted that the led characters must (after the blightlander has attempted to help) make a wisdom check ... a failure indicates that no benefit has been gained, while the blightlander's time has been wasted.