Astronomy & Astrology (sage study)

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Astronomy & astrology is a sage study in the fields of Theology & Customs, observing celestial objects both scientifically and as a means of insight into individuals and the natural world. The combined framework is possible in a world of magic, where astrology has legitimacy and is therefore respectable. Key to the study is observation and a strong comprehension of mathematics (geometry, trigonometry and algebra).

Sage Abilities

The sage abilities below are those acquired by a character through the study, according to status.

Amateur Status

  • Celestial Navigation: identify location on the surface of the earth or measure any angle between two visible objects using a sextant.
  • Recognise Heavens: ability to identify individual stars, constellations, planets and other phenomenon.
  • Telescope Making I: a discipline enabling the character to manufacture effective mounted telescopes.

See Also,
Astrological Chart
Cleric Sage Abilities
Illusionist Sage Abilities
Mage Sage Abilities