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Kingdom of Anduin.jpg

The Kingdom of Anduin is an wintry elvish realm located in the extreme eastern part of Siberia, overlooking the one-time migration bridge leading towards the New World. The area has not been mapped at all, so that the present area is undisclosed, as well as descriptions of its geography. The kingdom has a population of 27,089.


Anduin was founded as a cultural fragment of the original land of Beringia that was founded by extra-planar elves about 35,000 years ago, from the land of Silvanie in Outer Earth. According to legend, Beringia was founded by four great grey elves who led their people to find shelter on Earth from their enemies; this would, in time, become an incomprehensible mystical kingdom that thrived for 5,000 years. As the world cooled, however, Beringia's population declined; the kingdom itself would be destroyed by the last great Ice Age between 22 and 20 thousand years ago. Eight of its original nine tribes would exist nomadically until the last retreat of ice some 11 thousand years ago; the ninth, the "Grey," disappeared with Beringia. The Ulthuan tribe went west; six tribes went east across the land bridge into the New World; the Anduin tribe founded the Kingdom of Anduin some 9,000 years ago.

Further description of the region's history is pending until maps are added.