Dratgash Hills

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Dratgash Hills.jpg

The Dratgash Hills are a group of undulating hills surrounding the Hobgoblin lair, Grimstone Hollow. This is part of the world in the Self-play Tutorial series.

1st day. Arliss and Bertrand travel more than a mile from the Hollow and settle down to eat. With the sun well past it's zenith, Arliss suggests that they should spend the afternoon trying to orient themselves. "We have enough food for now, though we should be on the lookout, and I don't see running off in a random direction; we could end up running deeper into the forest rather than getting out of it. I suggest we try to find some sort of landmark." Bertrand, who has little experience at all with a real forest, agrees. While travelling along, happenstance causes them to stumble upon an animal trail, to their great luck. They clap each other on the back at their good fortune, as this promises to improve their chances of orienting themselves, finding food, and perhaps following the trail to a stream or river. "We should put off finding a landmark and follow this, to see where it takes us." Once again, Bertrand nods his assent. The animal trail gives them a +10% bonus to find that landmark, but they don't do it; but the trail takes them to a natural spring, and there, as darkness settles over the forest, they fill their waterskins gratefully. No creatures or animals bother them as they removed their armour, pack their meagre goods around them, not building a fire and hugging each other to keep warm as the temperature falls to where it's very chilly.

Note: my error in not giving the characters a waterskin at the outset, so I'm going to retcon that. The characters eat 6 lbs. of food each throughout the day, to compensate for the battles they fought.

2nd Day. As the day starts, the weather is brisk and the sky clear. The characters must eat 4 lb. of food today as they search the wilderness, which accounts for some of their water; Arliss' daily water intake, over and above the food they'll eat, is 42½ fl.oz; Bertrand, 61½. As their first agency choice for the day, they've agreed to search for a waterway; they're going to continue following the animal trail, which increases their chances of finding the waterway to 49%. They head off, and while searching, no happenstance occurs.

As chance would have it, the animal trail leads them to a shelter, a large rock overhang. Here the trail ends, but the characters also succeed in finding the waterway they were looking for, a stream. This has been immensely good luck. "We can follow the stream out of the wilderness, and perhaps find a civilised hex," says Bertrand. "Should we make haste and see where it takes us?"

"We can find the stream again whenever we want," answers Arliss. "I'm worried about our food; we'll only have 10 lbs. left when today ends. We have no hooks to fish with; but, yes, we can hunt for food anytime. Let's follow the river and see." Essentially, they agree to spend their second agency choice seeking the "next hex."