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Dehydration is the consequence of not drinking enough water, which must be replenished every day, particularly in hot, dry weather. The amount of water that must be drunk to remain healthy is determined by the character's weight, adjusted by the day's peak temperature grade. This water need not be pure, though even mildly impure water may have unpleasant results.

In most northerly climates, dehydration is a comparatively minor concern; temperate and sub-arctic environments abound in fresh water, while humanoids need comparatively little water to maintain themselves. In hot climates, however, the lack of a fresh supply of water can quickly become dire, leading to shocking effects on the body and an unpleasant death.

Water Requirements

Water requirements per day, by temperature
temperature grade fl.oz./lb. of weight, per day
pleasant and below 0.1
warm 0.25
balmy 0.7
sweaty 1.1
sweltering 1.8
feverish 2.6
baking 4.4
scorching 7.0

For those unfamiliar with fluid ounces, there are 16 fl.oz. in a pint, 32 fl.oz. in a quart, 128 fl.oz. in a gallon and 33.8 fl.oz. in a litre.