Jungle Travel I (sage ability)

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Jungle travel I is an unskilled and amateur-status sage ability in the sage study of Jungle Bushcraft that can be performed with a minimum of 1 knowledge point.

Unskilled Ability

  • 1 pt.: Basic hazard awareness; identify common hazards in the jungle, such as biting insects, thorny plants, or poisonous creatures, and takes basic precautions to avoid them.
  • 2 pt.: Pack management; open and close their pack safely to minimise attracting or disturbing wildlife, avoiding the risk of bites or stings.
  • 3 pt.: Bed preparation; select a suitable location for their sleeping area, clear away debris and potentially harmful plants, and create a basic bedding arrangement to ensure comfort and minimize exposure to ground-dwelling insects or other creatures.
  • 4 pt.: Water awareness: recognise potential water sources in the jungle and take precautions to avoid inadvertently interacting with them, such as keeping dry when moving through foliage to prevent contamination of drinking water.
  • 5 pt.: Field remedies: treat common jungle-related injuries such as cuts, scratches, insect bites or minor burns with herbal remedies and basic wound care.
  • 6 pt.: Repellents: learn the effective use of natural repellents such as certain plant extracts or aromatic herbs to deter insects and other pests.
  • 7 pt.: Weather awareness: gains knowledge of how to prepare for and respond to changing weather conditions in the jungle, though the making of natural or rudimentary shelters is found in bivouac.
  • 8 pt.: Simple navigation: learn to move normally through areas with known hazards, such as swamps, dense thickets, or rocky terrain, while minimizing the risk of injury.
  • 9 pt.: Straight-line movement: allows navigating through dense foliage while minimizing deviations and hazards encountered along a steady progressive path.