Aural Setting (sage ability)

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Aural Setting is an amateur-status sage ability in the study of Accompaniment that allows a dancer to use the natural environment's sounds and vibrations as a form of musical accompaniment. This requires the presence of distinct and audible ambient sounds, such as the moaning of wind, the rustling of leaves, the bubbling of a brook, the rhythmic crash of waves upon the shore, distant thunder or the steady patter of rain. The sound must be at least 20 decibels in intensity to be effective, ensuring it is naturally perceivable by both the performer and the audience. If the performance depends on wind-generated sounds, a gentle breeze or stronger is required.

The performance must take place upon a naturally occurring surface, with the dancer moving barefoot to fully engage with the ground's resonance. The audience must be positioned in a way that allows them to hear the full ambient soundscape, though some shelter is permitted. The dance itself lasts 5-20 minutes, during which all onlookers become non-magically enthralled, captivated by the synchrony of movement and sound. The effect is subtle yet profound, as the organic rhythms of nature guide and enhance the dancer's form.


Experiencing the performance leaves a lasting impression upon the audience. The fusion of the dancer's movement with the surrounding sounds imprints a deep sense of beauty, tranquility and wonder, elevating the setting into something almost sacred. The area itself, for the remainder of that evening and night, is perceived as if it were a glade, a place of peace and harmony. Those who rest here for the purpose of healing will do so as if their experience level were one higher, benefiting from a more restorative sleep.

Beyond the immediate performance, the emotional impact lingers. All who witness the dance gain a +1 bonus to their morale until they next sleep, carrying with them the memory of the movement and sound, which continues to uplift and inspire. The event becomes something cherished, a moment of natural harmony that remains imprinted upon the mind.


Performed before contrary sides in a negotiation, as an entertaining "ice-breaker", the dance fosters an atmosphere of goodwill and receptiveness. The emotional resonance created by the movement, combined with the ambient soundscape, encourages both parties to feel more indulgent and approving, easing tensions and fostering a shared experience. Offers made that require ability checks, especially charisma, also obtain a +1 bonus, as do any parley, negotiation or loyalty checks that a DM may wish to impose.

See Dance (sage field)