Sour (cantrip)

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Sour (cantrip).jpg

Sour is a cantrip that's able to impart an acidic, unpleasant flavour to food, rendering it inedible. The effects are instantly noticeable and can range from mild to a degree naturally achievable through the souring process.

Range 10 ft.
Duration permanent
Area of Effect 1 quart
Casting Time 2 action points
Saving Throw none
Level cantrip


It's not possible to sour food within a consumer's mouth, but under specific circumstances, such as variable lighting conditions or a lapse in an individual's attention, they might unknowingly ingest some soured food, requiring a wisdom check. A failure would indicate the soured food was swallowed, so that within 2-5 rounds the individual is compelled to vomit for a period of three rounds


If available to a character able to cook, the cantrip can improve the taste of food by one degree, say from "chow" to "nosh" or from "delicious" to "piquant," as a measure to kick the dish "up a notch."

Likewise, a cook would know how to use the cantrip to help preserve certain foods by making them unattractive to pests or preventing spoilage. It can be used to extend the shelf life of specific ingredients. Wine could be soured to produce vinegar. In the case of spoiled food that might be in danger of being eaten by someone hungry enough to eat something that would poison them, sour could be used to ensure the food smelled distinctly inedible.

See Reversed Cantrips