Mount (spell)

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Mount conjures a creature that will serve as a mount for any rider designated by the caster. Though magical in substance, the conjured creature will appear in all ways to be completely natural and real. Only a dweomer, such a penetrate disguise, will reveal the creature's true nature.

Range 10 ft.
Duration 4 hours + 2 per level; see text
Area of Effect 1 mount
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none
Level mage (1st)

The mount may take the form of any creature, so long as it possesses a shape that could be conceivably saddled and conforms to an existing animal, beast or monster. Whatever the form, it will have none of the natural abilities of, say, a dragon or a displacer beast. It cannot be of such a size that more than two humans could ride it.

A flying creature cannot be made, but it is possible to conjure a creature designed to move exclusively through water or under it. If the animal can swim at all, it can be ridden across a river or lake; and while the rider will be soaked, the mount will unerringly reach its destination on the other side, so long as the duration doesn't run out.

The mount appears tame and no special sage abilities or skills are needed to ride and direct it; nor is riding gear needed. However, without animal handling skills, the rider cannot fight from the mount. The mount will have hit points equal to 1d8 per level of the caster, rolled each time the spell is cast. Though it cannot fight, it can be damaged and "killed," dispersing the spell.

See Also,
Flying Mounts
Riding Animals and Mounts
Underwater Mounts