Spike Stones (spell)

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Spike Stones
Range 60 ft.
Duration 30 rounds +5 rounds per level
Area of Effect 4 hexes per level (10 ft. square)
Casting Time 3 rounds
Saving Throw none
Level cleric (5th); druid (5th)

Transforms stony ground into very hard, sharply pointed spikes which make ordinary travel impossible.

The nature of the terrain will be indistinguishable from ordinary stone except to druids of the 7th level or thieves that detect traps; penetrate disguise and similar spells will reveal the nature of the spike stones.

For creature that are walking, the spikes cause 1-6 damage upon first contact. This must be followed by a dexterity check—a failure indicates another 1-8 damage. Persons may then retreat off the spikes. Mounted or running creatures will suffer 2-12 +1-8 damage, ending up 3 hexes (15’) into the spike growth. Mounts will fall and immediately retreat back the way they’ve come, suffering 3-12 damage or dying in the attempt.

All attempts to move forward anyway will be 1-6 damage per hex (5’ circle) crossed.

Intelligent creatures may wait undamaged until the spell is dispelled. However, if they choose to take any physical action, such as use of missile weapons, they will suffer 2 hp of damage from the effort.

The caster is not immune to the effects of the spikes.