Flavour (cantrip)

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Flavour (cantrip).jpg

Flavour adjusts the preparation standard of a dish as enjoyed by the cantrip's recipient, providing the full benefits of having improved its taste. The food thus provides the full effects expected of better-prepared food.

Range 10 ft.
Duration permanent
Area of Effect 1 creature
Casting Time 2 action points
Saving Throw none
Level cantrip

There are six "standards" of preparation: cold camp, campfire, galley, scullery, guestkitchen and lord's kitchen. These provide various tastes, from food that's hardly palatable, through that which is satisfying, up to food that's simply ecstasy for the pallet. To achieve the best effects of the cantrip, the originating food must have some flavour before a meaningful change can be expected — the flavour improvement on cold cooked potatoes can only be so much.

Flavour will have no effect on the potential for characters to detect poisoned food; it will, however, cause non-player characters in particular to be better disposed towards the cook, giving a +2 bonus to charisma checks.

See Useful Cantrips