Purify Food & Drink (spell)

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Purify Food & Drink
Range 30 ft.
Duration permanent
Area of Effect 1 cub.ft. per level (7.1 gal.)
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none
Level cleric (1st)

Purify food & drink transforms spoiled or rotten edibles and libations into fresh, wholesome fare, even though it may have been previously spoiled, moldy, made dirty or even poisonous. The nature of the food is not altered, but it will be restored to the best version of itself: meat will be full of colour, vegetables and fruits will be garden fresh, while grains will perfectly suited for the mill. Wine will retain its age, but any bruising will be gone; ales and beer will obtain a lightness only to be found during the late fall. All will be perfectly safe to eat and will have the standard of guestkitchen fare, with regards to the taste and after effects (provided it is cooked properly).


The reverse of the spell, putrefy, will reduce food and beverages so that they will become wholly inedible. Anything that is eaten or drunk will also become mildly poisonous, sufficient to cause 2-4 damage, potentially killing common persons.

Bringing the Spell into Play

The putrefying version may be discharged precisely, so as to catch persons as they are about to devour it — but victims of this tactic are entitled to a wisdom check as they receive a whiff of the food as it rots in their hands, or in the bottle or glass as it comes to their lips. If this check fails, the victuals are consumed so that the victim will choke, gasp, suffer damage and spend at least two rounds spitting the food out. When attempting to defend themselves during these two rounds, they will attack at -2 to hit and suffer a -2 armour class as well.