Dispel Malevolence (spell)

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Dispel Malevolence
Range touch
Duration permanent
Area of Effect 1 creature
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw negates; see below
Level cleric (5th)

Dispel malevolence has the power to destroy creatures of an inherently malevolent nature, including beasts, demons, devils, efreeti, imps, quasit, undead, constructed Golems and other manifestations bent on wreaking harm upon the mortal world. For the purpose of the spell, "malevolent" is defined as intending to cause grievous harm against, or a desire to kill, a combatant; malevolent beings are ill-disposed, spiteful and unnaturally violent.

While some of these creatures are malevolent because they are manifestly evil, others are merely creatures bent upon doing harm. Beasts without malice, such as hippogriffs, ki-rin or unicorns, aren't affected by the spell.

The spell has no effect upon humanoids, however dastardly or sadistic they may be — nor does it effect ordinary creatures, such as snakes or spiders, who may act aggressively but do so in defense or in seeking food. Only creatures whose malevolence derives from a magical or mystical origin, often from other planes of existence, can be destroyed by the spell.


Creatures with less than half the caster's hit dice or levels don't receive a saving throw against the spell. Those greater beings that are allowed a save with nonetheless suffer a penalty of -½ to hit per level of the caster, if within 60 ft. of the caster, once the spell's been discharged.

For example, a 9th level caster attempts to dispel a balrog, which succeeds in its saving throw. Even so, the balrog afterwards is -4½ to hit due to the caster's level, when within 12 combat hexes of the caster; this is treated as -4, as fractions are ignored.