ESP (spell)

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ESP (spell).jpg

ESP enables the caster to comprehend the thoughts of intelligent creatures within the spell's area of effect. Only one creature's thoughts may be heard in any given round, while the total number of creatures whose thoughts can be understood is limited by the caster's level. However, the caster may focus back and forth between multiple individuals. Only creatures with an intelligence of 5 or more can be "read."

Range self
Duration 10 rounds per level
Area of Effect 1 creature per level, at a range
of 10 ft. per level
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none
Level mage (2nd)

The spell doesn't allow the caster to peruse the past thoughts of individuals, only those immediate ideas, plans or beliefs in the immediate present. These thoughts are unlikely to include the creature's name, place of residence, grand purpose or long range plans. That said, the caster is sure to learn what immediate intents and emotions a creature has, when creatures are knowingly lying, what they intend to do next in a combat, doubts they may have and so on.

Calling out a creature's thoughts in the moment has the power to stop him or her in their tracks, as will answering questions that haven't been spoken aloud. Knowing the caster is actively able to read thoughts may produce strong feelings of fear or aggression, depending on the individual and the situation at hand.

While employing ESP, the caster cannot make any move that expends an action point (AP) for a minimum of one full round. This includes speaking aloud. The caster may cease using ESP at any time without breaking the spell — but the time duration will pass whether or not the ESP is utilised. To re-engage the caster's ongoing ESP, he or she need only state on their next round that instead of acting otherwise, they use the spell.