Magic Jar (spell)
Magic Jar is a spell that transfers the life force of a designated creature into a physical vessel — made of glass, ceramic or metal—holding at least eight fluid ounces. Upon casting, the spell targets any creature within range, whether intelligent or not. The creature is entitled to a saving throw against the effect. If the save succeeds, the spell fails, and the target gains a +2 bonus to all subsequent saving throws against the same caster’s attempts.
Range | 30 ft. |
Duration | 15 +5 rounds per level |
Area of Effect | 1 humanoid; see text |
Casting Time | 1 round |
Saving Throw | negates |
Level | mage (5th) |
If the save fails, the creature’s soul, or atman, is pulled from its body and transferred into the vessel. The soul remains trapped only if the vessel is sealed at the moment of transference; otherwise, it may return to the body immediately. If the vessel is later unsealed or broken, the soul is released and begins traveling back to its body at a speed of 60 miles per hour. If vessel and body are in the same room, the return is nearly instantaneous, but over great distances, the journey may take hours or even days.