Clean (cantrip)

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Clean (cantrip).jpg

Clean wipes the area of effect free from dirt, marks and stains, making it appear thoroughly washed — though the effect doesn't fold blankets or restore objects to cupboards. It only makes these things clean, so as to be glistening, spotless and fresh smelling.

Range 10 ft.
Duration permanent
Area of Effect 4 cub. yards
Casting Time 2 action points
Saving Throw none
Level cantrip

The cantrip will raise a character's appearance temporarily so that, should there be a charisma check for first impressions, a +3 bonus to charisma is allowed, one time only. The cantrip is useful at giving adventurer's clothing a fairly decent appearance, since the spell's effect may be approximated as equal to one human or demi-human body. Arguably, two halflings could be done with one use of the spell.

The cantrip will also clean dirt, grime and vegetable matter from an open wound, reducing the possibility of a random infection occurring from 2% to 1% ... should that roll result from a malady check.

See Useful Cantrips