Giggle (cantrip)

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Giggle (cantrip).jpg
Range 10 ft.
Duration 1 round
Area of Effect 1 creature; see below
Casting Time 2 action points
Saving Throw negates
Level cantrip

Causes the recipient to giggle nervously or derisively, as the caster wishes. Unless a saving throw negates the cantrip, the giggling will last for 1 round and the following effects will take place.

Nervous giggling has a 50% chance of causing others within two hexes to move outside that circle, taking the giggling for madness. This has the benefit of isolating the recipient, so that he can be reached more easily.

Derisive giggling conveys contempt for others. There is a 50% chance that one random person within two hexes will be incensed to anger, and will feel compelled to physically punch the giggler, causing 1d4-1 damage (+ strength bonus).

The cantrip has no effect except against humanoids. No combat penalties accrue to the giggler.

See Person-affecting Cantrips