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== Entities ==
== Entities ==
Entities banished by exorcism cannot directly seek revenge upon the caster, though many — particularly demons — may attempt to do so indirectly.  Greater demons require the caster to be twice successful in their rolls to cast them out. Demon lords and demi-gods require three successful rounds to be fully expelled.
Entities banished by exorcism cannot directly seek revenge upon the caster, though many — particularly [[Demon|demons]] — may attempt to do so indirectly.  Greater demons require the caster to be twice successful in their rolls to cast them out. Demon lords and [[Demi-Gods (sage study)|demi-gods]] require three successful rounds to be fully expelled.

Revision as of 03:06, 13 March 2025

Exorcism (spell).jpg

Exorcism is a spell that banishes possession from its recipient, whether caused by a demonic entity, a magical object or a spell such as magic jar. It also serves to counteract effects such as curse or charm, breaking magical influence that binds the mind. Additionally, the spell can free a soul trapped within an object, restoring the being to its original form, whatever that may be.

Range 10 ft.
Duration permanent
Area of Effect 1 creature or object
Casting Time see below
Saving Throw none
Level cleric (4th)

The casting time varies depending on the nature of the affliction. When dispelling spells that influence the mind or body, such as curse, charm, hold person, hypnotise or suggestion, the casting time is 2 rounds. However, if an entity is involved — such as a possessing demon or magical force — the caster must wrestle with the entity to drive it out, requiring at least three rounds to complete the exorcism.

At the beginning of the third round, the caster must roll a check against their strength, constitution and wisdom. A successful roll in all three attributes successfully casts the possession out.

Once the exorcism begins, the caster cannot stop, nor can they receive any aid or intervention, or the spell will fail. Regardless of success or failure, the caster will require one full day of rest per ability point lost to regain their strength.


Failure to succeed on any of the rolls inflicts 2d8 damage on the caster and temporarily reduces the failed ability score by two points. This damage does not break the caster's concentration, even if it stuns them. Regardless of injury, the caster may attempt the exorcism again in the next round, rolling against all three ability stats once more — though now suffering from any temporary reductions.

Repeated failures will weaken the caster over time. If any of the caster's attributes drop below 3, they are killed by the confrontation. If the caster falls below -3 hit points and fails their wisdom consciousness check, they pass out, voiding the spell entirely.


Entities banished by exorcism cannot directly seek revenge upon the caster, though many — particularly demons — may attempt to do so indirectly. Greater demons require the caster to be twice successful in their rolls to cast them out. Demon lords and demi-gods require three successful rounds to be fully expelled.

See also,
Abjure (spell)
Demonic Possession