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Species feline
No. Appearing 5–15
Behaviour social (pride)
Range desert, savanna, steppe, veldt
Size 4 ft. long
Weight 110 lbs.
Intelligence 3
Armour Class 6
Hit Dice 4
Action Points 6
Max. Stride 41
THAC0 18
Hp/Die d6
Attack Forms 2: dewclaw, fangs
Damage 1–4, 3–8
Special Attacks burst of speed & strike, dewclaw

Cheetahs are slender-bodied, long-limbed great cats, distinguished by their spotted coats, small rounded heads, and lengthy, banded tails. Built for speed and agility, they are among the fastest creatures in existence, capable of outrunning nearly any opponent over short distances. They are primarily diurnal hunters, thriving in a range of natural habitats spanning Africa, Arabia, Persia, and the Indian subcontinent, though they are most numerous on the savannas and veldts of eastern and southern Africa.


As carnivores, cheetahs primarily hunt antelope and other small horned animals, typically ranging between 51 and 123 lbs. in weight. However, they have been known to stalk and attack small humanoids, including elves, particularly in regions where game is scarce. Although their preferred prey consists of mid-sized ungulates, a cheetah is capable of taking down much larger creatures—up to 290 lbs.—if necessary.

Unlike many other great cats, cheetahs exhibit a degree of sociability and can even be tamed, a trait that has made them prized hunting companions throughout South Asia. However, the process of domestication diminishes their aggression, making them unsuitable as guard animals. Despite their trainability, they are still wild at heart, and those raised in captivity retain their keen instincts and speed.


See Bestiary