Flavour (cantrip)
Flavour is a cantrip that enhances the preparation quality of a dish as experienced by the cantrip's recipient, providing the full benefits of having improved its taste. The food thus prepared will offer the full effects expected of better-prepared fare, making it far more enjoyable than its initial state.
Range | 10 ft. |
Duration | permanent |
Area of Effect | 1 creature |
Casting Time | 2 action points |
Saving Throw | none |
Level | cantrip |
There are six distinct "standards" of preparation: cold camp, campfire, galley, scullery, guestkitchen and lord's kitchen. These standards cover a broad spectrum of taste — from food that is barely palatable to meals that are an ecstasy for the palate. For the cantrip to be most effective, the originating food must already possess some flavour; it cannot work miracles on completely bland or tasteless ingredients. For example, while cold cooked potatoes can be made more tasty, the improvement will have its limits.
While the dweomer improves the taste, it does not change the fundamental nature of the food, nor will it influence the potential to detect poisoned food. However, the cantrip has the added benefit of improving the recipient's perception of the cook, making them better disposed towards the one who prepared the meal. NPCs, in particular, will be more inclined to like the cook, granting a +2 bonus to charisma checks related to interactions with them. This makes the cantrip especially useful for building rapport with those one serves.
See Useful Cantrips