Mandrake Root (herb)
Mandrake root is an herb, a semi-conscious member of the nightshade family, the mandrake is a highly sought-after plant due to its dangerous properties and rare alchemical uses. Cultivated as a hallucinogen, a component in potions and a source of truth serum, the plant is both valuable and perilous. Its orange and red berries, resembling small tomatoes, are highly toxic, with the combination of fruit and seeds being especially lethal when ingested. This makes mandrake a perilous plant to handle. Beyond the berries, the mandrake's true value lies in its root, a grotesquely humanoid structure that is prized for its alchemical and magical uses, including its role in the mysterious process of gollemming. However, the root is infamous for its deadly scream, which makes harvesting it a task fraught with mortal danger.
Harvesting the Root
This requires careful preparation and adherence to a traditional method to avoid the deadly consequences of its scream. The leaves and berries may be safely cut and collected, but disturbing the root is another matter entirely. When uprooted, the mandrake releases a piercing, supernatural scream that has the potential to kill anyone within 20 feet who hears it. Those within range must make a saving throw against death or succumb immediately.
The recommended method for safely harvesting the root involves the use of a trained and loyal dog. To prepare for the harvest, the ground around the mandrake is loosened by digging a furrow around the plant's base. This minimises resistance when the root is pulled free. The dog is then tied securely to the exposed stem of the mandrake, ensuring that it can uproot the plant when called. The harvester must then move to a safe distance of at least 30 feet, beyond the range of the mandrake's scream.
Once in position, the harvester calls the dog, prompting it to pull the root free in an effort to return to its master. At this moment, the dog must overcome its instinctive fear of the mandrake and succeed in a morale check. If the dog succeeds, it will uproot the mandrake and immediately face the deadly consequences, making its own saving throw against death. If the dog survives, the root can be safely handled by the harvester. However, if the dog fails its morale check, it will refuse to move, remaining tied to the mandrake and refusing food or water until it dies of starvation. Once freed, a dog that has failed in this task will never again approach a mandrake or obey commands related to its harvesting.
Other Uses
Once the root is safely harvested, its properties make it one of the most valuable materials in alchemical and magical practices. The root, when prepared properly, can induce vivid hallucinations. These visions are often sought after for ritual purposes or by those attempting to commune with otherworldly forces, though improper preparation can lead to poisoning or madness. In addition to its hallucinogenic effects, the root is a key ingredient in the creation of potions, particularly those tied to sleep, dreams or mind-altering effects. Its essence can be distilled into a potent truth serum, capable of compelling even the most resistant individuals to reveal their secrets, though prolonged use may cause psychological instability.
The mandrake root is also integral to the process of gollemming. When incorporated into the construction of a golem or similar construct, the root's semi-conscious nature imparts a rudimentary awareness to the creation, allowing it to follow complex commands and act with a level of independence unusual for such creations. This use makes the mandrake root highly sought after by alchemists and necromancers alike, further adding to its mystique and danger.
See also,
Potion-making (sage ability)
Mandragora (sage ability)