Colour Spray (spell)

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Colour spray conjures a whirl of fiery light, which is spread into a fan and blasted into the eyes of the caster's enemies. The shock of luminescence momentarily stuns those caught within the spell's effect, causing those who fail to save against magic to stagger, blinking the colour from their eyes, for 1-4 rounds.

Colour Spray
Range self
Duration 1 action point
Area of Effect 60° fan, 20 ft. outwards
+5 per level; see text
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw negates
Level illusionist (1st)

During this time, they're unable to take action except to defend themselves. While under the influence of the spell, a defender's armour class is reduced by -4 points.

The "spray" streams outwards in a 60-degree arc of the caster's choosing, as far as the character's level permits; it lasts a little more than two full seconds. Those who save against the spray are supposed to have ducked below the "fan," shutting their eyes tight and blocking them with an arm or held shield.

Creatures with infravision or ultravision are equally affected by the spell, as the colours produced reach far beyond the spectrum visible to human eyes. Creatures which see by means other than light are immune to the spell.