Vegetable Gardening (sage ability)

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Vegetable Gardening (sage ability).jpg

Vegetable gardening is an amateur-status sage ability in the study of Grasses & Grains, encompasses an intensive cultivation approach that demands fertile soil and significant manual effort, essential for combating weed growth and disease while yielding a valuable harvest of vegetables or tubers.

The minimum size for an effective vegetable patch is 16½ ft. on a side (1 sq. rod), with an area of 272 sq.ft. This requires 29 hours of labour spread equally over a 90-day season, with attention paid no less often than a span of 6 days. Skipping more days than this results in sufficient damage done by pests and weeds to lower the overall yield by 10%, each time a gap of 7 days or more happens.

Popular varieties of crops include beets, turnips and cabbage — but no carrots, as these hadn't be bred as a vegetable until after the 18th century, despite their presence in the shown image.


For a patch equalling a square rod, unskilled farmers can obtain 250 +20-120 lbs. of food. If 340 lbs. of vegetables are yielded, however, it demonstrates that the character has learned something about vegetable farming and may add 1 point of knowledge in this ability.

For characters with this skill, the yield or a square yard will be 560 +20-80 lbs.