Vegetable Gardening (sage ability)

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Vegetable Gardening (sage ability).jpg

Vegetable gardening is an amateur-status sage ability in the study of Grasses & Grains, encompasses an intensive cultivation approach that demands fertile soil and significant manual effort, essential for combating weed growth and disease while yielding a valuable harvest of vegetables or tubers.

A vegetable patch will require 115 hours of labour per 90-day season (typically a little more than two hours every other day) for a yield of approximately 115 lbs — therefore, about 1 hour a pound. Work must be done every three days, however. Reduce the total yield by 10% whenever the garden's tending is made to wait more than six days.

Take note that the growth above exceeds what a peasant would produce on the same field, about 2/3rds of a pound per hour of labour.