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An action point, abbreviated as “AP,” describes a non-specific length of time within a [[Swimming Combat|combat round]] (12 seconds in length). The time is non-specific because different creatures moving at different rates of speed are nevertheless measured in the number of actions they can accomplish in the same period of time.
'''Action Points''' (AP) describes the time necessary to perform an action each [[Combat Round|round]], usually applied during [[Combat|combat]].  Though rounds are nominally 12 seconds in length, the time for an action point to be expended depends upon both the relative speed of the actor and the difficulty of the action to be accomplished.  Action points manage this time-keeping disparity with an eye to playability by assigning an AP cost to each action.  Players and NPCs must decide what to do with the points they have, introducing a strong tactical element to combat.
Action points, therefore, obliviate the need to keep time within the game. Creature actions are each assigned a “cost” in AP. In game terms, this requires the character or creature to make decisions regarding the best way to spend their total points — whether in attacking, moving or the performance of other tasks.
Action points not spent in the course of each round cannot be saved up and used later.  Some actions require multiple rounds to perform, such as spellcasting, loading [[Weapons List|weapons]] or searching. These examples presume the actor's efforts are being spent in a single continuous procedure that happens to occur over several rounds due to its nature.
Action points that are not spent in the course of a [[Combat|combat]] round cannot be saved up and used later. Some actions do require more than one round to perform, such as [[Spellcasting|casting a spell]], loading a [[Crossbow (weapon)|crossbow]] or searching for something. Such cases are clearly outlined in the notes below and follow conditions specific to their goals, being different in nature.<br><br>
[[Humanoid |Humanoids]], from as small as [[Kobald|kobalds]] to as large as [[Giant|giants]], are naturally possessed of '''5 action points'''. There are exceptions, such as the [[Monk (class)|monk]]. This movement is adjusted by [[Encumbrance|encumbrance]], which measures the total weight in gear and other carried objects.  The amount of weight a character carries is variable.  Once a character adds sufficient weight to reduce their AP to 1 point, no more can be carried.<br>
== Movement ==
{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-left: 15px; text-align: center; background-color:#d4f2f2;"
! Stride !! Hexes/AP
| Wary || 1
| Walking || 2-3
| Running || 4-5
| Sprinting || 6-8
'''[[Movement (stride)|Movement]]''' describes the AP cost to cross the distance from [[Combat Hex|hex to hex]], each being 5 feet in diameter.  There are four manners of movement, or "strides."  These strides are '''wary''', '''walking''', '''running''' and '''sprinting'''; the AP cost for each is shown on the right-hand table.  The spread enables the combatant to select a specific speed of movement; for example, if running, the character may use 1 AP to move either 4 hexes per point or 5.  Both are counted as "running" for game purposes.
Strictly speaking, all actions are a form of movement; however, in game terms, the word “movement” refers specifically to the travel of persons from one [[Combat Hex|combat hex]] to another, almost always relevant only during combat. A [[Normal Pace|normal pace]] describes standard movement, in which 1 AP equals 1 hex of distance. [[Running (movement)|Running]] describes movement at ½ AP per hex. [[Sprinting (movement)|Sprinting]] describes ⅓ AP per hex.
Both large and fast creatures, with longer strides or due to their biology, have AP costs per hex that allow them to move faster than ordinary humanoids. Horses have various [[Horse Gaits|gaits]] at which they can walk or run, while [[Gazelle|gazelles]] and [[Cheetah|cheetahs]] can manage 20 hexes or more per AP.  A hill giant walking with a normal stride would travel 3.5 hexes per AP.
Some creatures also receive movement rates where AP costs are less than 1 per hex. The horse has a number of different [[Horse Gaits|gaits]] with differing AP costs per hex. The [[Cheetah|cheetah]], for example, is able to move 40 hexes at a cost of two AP, when putting on a burst of speed. Various other creatures are also able to employ similar reductions in AP cost per hex.
== Point Costs ==
{| class="wikitable" style="float:left; margin-right: 15px; text-align: center; background-color:#d4f2f2;"
Fast and large creatures throughout the [[Bestiary|bestiary]] usually begin with more action points than player characters.
===Humanoid Movement & Encumbrance===
The majority of humanoids, and therefore player characters, begin with 5 action points. Some, such as [[Monk (class)|monks]], because they are unusually fast, start with 6 AP. Some humanoids, such as kobalds that are very small, have only 4 AP. All player characters with the exception of monks, regardless of race, are considered to have 5 AP.
This total is adjusted by [[Encumbrance|encumbrance]], which is the measure of total gear and other weight carried along with the player. The amount of weight carried is optional; but it is possible that so much weight is added to the character that AP are reduced to zero. At that point, the player must drop something in order to move.
==Point Costs==
{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-left: 15px; text-align: center; background-color:#d4f2f2;"
! Actions !! AP Cost
! Actions !! AP Cost
| climbing (per vertical foot) || 1
| [[Action Points#Activate object|activate object]] || 1
| [[Action Points#Adjust a free object for use|adjust a free object for use]] || 1
| [[Action Points#Adjust lantern shutter|adjust lantern shutter]] || 1
| [[Action Points#Adjust lantern turn-key|adjust lantern turn-key]] || 1
| [[Action Points#Apply a healing salve|apply a healing salve]] || 3
| [[Action Points#Armour the body|armour the body, per AC]] || 25
| [[Action Points#Attack with weapon|attack with weapon]] || 2
| [[Action Points#Change form|change form]] || 1 round
| [[Action Points#Climb a rope ladder|climb a rope ladder]] || 1
| [[Action Points#Climbing|climbing, per vertical ft.]] || 1
| [[Action Points#Close a back pack|close a back pack/saddle bag]] || 2
| [[Action Points#Discharge a casted spell|discharge a casted spell]] || 1
| [[Action Points#Dismount animal|dismount animal]] || 2
| dismount camel (by kneeling) || 3
| [[Action Points#Dispel active spell|dispel active spell]] || 1
| dismount horse, mule or donkey || 2
| [[Action Points#Dose drink/food with poison|dose drink/food with poison]] || 1
| drop to a prone position || 2 (1)
| [[Action Points#Dose weapon with poison|dose weapon with poison]] || 5
| [[Action Points#Draw weapon, heavy one-handed|draw weapon, heavy one-handed]] || 2
| [[Action Points#Draw weapon, light one-handed|draw weapon, light one-handed]] || 1
| [[Action Points#Draw weapon, two-handed|draw weapon, two-handed]] || 3
| [[Action Points#Eat or drink|eat or drink, per weight]] || 1
| [[Action Points#Extinguish candle|extinguish candle]] || 1
| [[Action Points#Extinguish a lantern|extinguish a lantern]] || 2
| [[Action Points#Extinguish a torch|extinguish a torch]] || 3
| [[Action Points#Free shield from arm|free shield from arm]] || 3
| [[Action Points#Grapple attack|grapple attack]] || 3
| [[Action Points#Kneel a camel|kneel a camel]] || 3
| [[Action Points#Kneel an elephant|kneel an elephant]] || 5
| [[Action Points#Leave a melee hex|leave a melee hex]] || 1
| [[Action Points#Light a candle or spill|light a candle or spill]] || 2
| [[Action Points#Light a lantern|light a lantern]] || 4
| [[Action Points#Light a torch|light a torch]] || 2
| [[Action Points#Load a bow, aim and fire|load a bow, aim & fire]] || 1 round +2 AP
| [[Action Points#Load and fire a bow without aiming|load & fire a bow without aiming]] || 4
| [[Action Points#Load a heavy crossbow|load a heavy crossbow]] || 11
| [[Action Points#Load a light crossbow|load a light crossbow]] || 8
| [[Action Points#Load and fire a sling|load & fire a sling]] || 1 round +2 AP
| [[Action Points#Mount animal|mount animal]] || 3
| [[Action Points#Move to prone position|move to prone position]] || 2
| [[Action Points#Obtain item pocketed or tied|obtain item pocketed or tied]] || 4
| [[Action Points#Open a corked bottle|open a corked bottle]] || 5
| [[Action Points#Open a stuck door|open a stuck door]] || 1 round
| [[Action Points#Open an unstuck door|open an unstuck door]] || 2
| [[Action Points#Pummel attack|pummel attack]] || 1
| [[Action Points#Raise a knelt animal|raise a knelt animal]] || 2
| [[Action Points#Rouse sleeping creature|rouse sleeping creature]] || 1-3
| [[Action Points#Scramble|scramble]] || 2
| [[Action Points#Search a back pack|search a back pack]] || 3-10
| [[Action Points#Search a saddle bag|search a saddle bag]] || 2-4
| [[Action Points#Sheathe weapon into back scabbard|sheathe weapon into back scabbard]] || 3
| [[Action Points#Sheathe weapon into belt scabbard|sheathe weapon into belt scabbard]] || 2
| [[Action Points#Sling shield/bow over shoulder|sling shield/bow over shoulder]] || 2
| [[Action Points#Speak or call instructions|speak or call instructions]] || 1
| [[Action Points#Spellcasting|spellcasting]] || 1 round
| [[Action Points#Stand from prone position|stand from prone position]] || 2
| [[Action Points#Stand from seated position|stand from seated position]] ||
| [[Action Points#Strap shield to arm|strap shield to arm]] || 10
| [[Action Points#String a bow|string a bow]] || 3
| [[Action Points#Throw grapple|throw grapple]] || 5
| [[Action Points#Throw aimed object|throw aimed object]] || 2
| [[Action Points#Touch a friendly creature|touch a friendly creature]] || 1
| [[Action Points#Touch an unfriendly creature|touch an unfriendly creature]] || 2
| [[Action Points#Unsling a back pack|unsling back pack]] || 5
| [[Action Points#Unsling shield & make ready|unsling shield & make ready]] || 3
The table below gives the cost in AP for choices the players and enemies may take. Obviously, the table is not all inclusive. It should be used as a guideline, with additional examples added when they present themselves.
Many of these actions have exceptions and considerations that a DM must manage. The circumstances of a particular action may require a judgement call, where matters do not fit expected perameters. Actions are listed alphabetically, but should be viewed occasionally by the players, that they may familiarize themselves with the choices listed.
===== Activate object =====
1 AP. Includes any object, many of which will be magical in nature, that must somehow be turned on, commanded to act or otherwise activated.  Includes uncorking a previously uncorked bottle or drawing out a wand, staff, rod, ring or like item.  The action is generally enough to employ the object for its purpose; however, in cases such as the uncorked bottle, the action would not include aiming and [[Action Points#Throw an object|throwing the object]], which would be another action.
===== Adjust a free object for use =====
1 AP. Describes any situation in which the object weighing less than 5 lbs. has to be manipulated, such as being opened in order to be read, such as a book or a compass; looked through, such as an eyeglass or [[Telescope Making I (sage ability)|telescope]]; turned over; picked up from its location; taken out of a small pocket; or any other like situation in which movement of the object is the intention or requirement.
Any action that requires 5 AP or less can be performed in a single combat round even though it requires more than a character’s total AP. This counts as the “full movement” of the character and costs all their AP.
Larger objects require more time. Those up to 8 lbs. will require 2 AP; up to 13 lbs. will require 3 AP; and up to 21 lbs. will require 4 AP. Objects weighing up to 34 lbs., 55 lbs., 89 lbs., 144 lbs., 233 lbs. and so on will progressively require 1 additional AP per stage (until they are too heavy to move).  These numbers apply to humanoids weighing up to 233 lbs.
For example, Albert the cleric has 3 AP; using his full movement rate, he is still able to awaken himself, mount an animal, cast a spell or apply poison to a [[Weapons List|weapon]] in a single combat round. He would, however, still need 7 full AP to load a light crossbow, spread over three rounds.
For humanoids weighing up to 377 lbs., 610 lbs., 987 lbs. and more, progressively subtract 1 AP from the cost of picking up each size class of item. However, as size increases, it becomes harder to pick up smaller items. And so, when the AP of an item is reduced to zero, count such items as costing 2 AP to the time needed to collect that item. For example, a 350 pound humanoid bends down to pick up an item weighing less than 5 lb. Because the normal time is already 1 AP, the modifier would reduce this to 0 AP. The small-item rule adjusts this to 2 AP.
===Table Notes===
===== Adjust lantern shutter =====
1 AP. Describes the act of adjusting a [[Illumination#Lanterns|bullseye lantern]] so that the arc of light shining can be widened or narrowed, or closed completely.
Many of these actions have exceptions and considerations that must be considered when managed as a DM. The subjects are listed alphabetically<br/><br/>
===== Adjust lantern turn-key =====
1 AP. Describes the adjustment of a lantern valve that controls the amount of air to the glass bubble, determining the amount of illumination that the lantern will offer.
<u>'''Activate Object:'''</u> includes any object, many of which will be magical in nature, that must somehow be turned on, commanded to act or otherwise activated. Includes uncorking a previously uncorked bottle or employing a wand, staff, rod, ring or similar item. The action will only turn the object “on.” The time listed does not include the time necessary for the object to start up, reshape itself, gather power or otherwise reach its peak of performance.<br/><br/>
===== Apply a healing salve =====
3 AP. Gives the time required to feed a [[Healing Salve (remedy)|healing salve]] to a willing, conscious patient, or pour the salve into an open wound. This allows the salve to work (awarding 1-4 [[Hit Points|hit points]]) and causes the wound to close. If there is no wound, or the patient is unconscious, the time needed to introduce part of the salve into the mouth and rub the rest into the skin of the patient's throat or upper chest will be '''6 AP''', which can be accomplished over multiple rounds.
<u>'''Adjust Free Object for Use:'''</u> includes any object that, once grabbed or picked up, still needs to be turned or righted before it can be used, such as a [[Shield (armour)|shield]], eyeglass, compass, [[Illumination|lantern]] and so on. Does not include crossbows.<br/><br/>  This includes adjusting the illumination or shutter on a lantern.
===== Armour the body =====
25 AP. Regardless of the [[Armour List|type of armour]] being applied, the cost indicates the amount of action necessary to improve the wearer's [[Armour Class|armour class]] by 1 point.  This presumes that part of the armour can be applied (such as [[Padded Armour|hauberk and chausses]], greaves, tassets, breast plates, chain shirts, gorgets and so on) even if the whole ensemble is not worn.  A character may spend 75 AP dressing in partial [[Chain Mail (armour)|chain mail armour]], sufficient to improve the character's AC by 3 pts., then forgo the remainder in order to join a fight.
<u>'''Apply a Healing Salve:'''</u> the time given presumes that a [[Healing Salve (remedy)|healing salve]] is poured into a [[Wounds|wound]], so that its substance will be drawn into the body. If no wound exists, the time needed to enable the subject to swallow the healing salve is twice normal eating time (see below), or 4 AP. If the subject is unconscious, it requires two full combat rounds to introduce a healing salve.<br/><br/>
A full suit of [[Leather Armour|Leather armour]] would require 50 AP to make completely ready, [[Studded Leather (armour)|studded leather]] or [[Ring Mail (armour)|ring mail]] would need 75 AP, [[Scale Mail (armour)|scale mail]] would need 100 AP and so on.
<u>'''Apply Poison to Weapon:'''</u> before [[Poison (substance)|poison]] or any other substance can be [[Using Poisoned Weapons|applied to a blade for use]], both the weapon and the substance must already be in hand. Includes applying substances to other items, such as oiling a rope, spreading glue, applying [[Gripcolle (magic)|gripcolle]] or taking like action over a similar-sized surface.<br/><br/>
Aid can be received from up to 2 [[Hireling|attendants]]. One attendant helping will reduce the time needed per point of armour class to a cost of 15 AP, while two attendants will reduce the cost to 10 AP per point.
'''Armour can be removed''' at 12 AP per point of protection.
<u>'''Armour the Body:'''</u> gives the time frame needed for suiting up in [[Padded Armour|hauberk & chausses]], [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorget#As_part_of_armour gorgets]], breast plates, chain shirts, [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tassets tassets]] and so on.
===== Attack with weapon =====
2 AP. The cost of [[Roll to Hit|rolling to hit]], whether in combat and if [[Missile Weapons|firing/hurling a weapon]]. Combatants using [[Attacks with Two Weapons|two weapons]] must pay this cost once for each weapon each round.  If the character does not have sufficient AP to do this, they must forgo two attacks.  In the case of '''[[Multiple Attacks|multiple attacks]]''', which arise from the combatant having achieved the ability to attack twice in a given round, the cost per attack is only 1 AP.
Regardless of the [[Armour List|type of armour]], each 25 AP spent increases the subject’s armour class by one armour class (lowers AC by 1). [[Leather Armour|Leather armour]] would therefore require 50 AP to completely ready, [[Studded Leather (armour)|studded leather]] or [[Ring Mail (armour)|ring mail]] 75 AP, [[Scale Mail (armour)|scale mail]] 100 AP and so on.
===== Change form =====
1 round. Includes polymorph and shape-change, by spell or natural ability. Cost in AP equals one complete round, from beginning of change to full assumption of new shape.
Aid can be received from one or two [[Hirelings|attendants]]. One attendant will reduce the time needed to 15 AP per point of AC while using two attendants will reduce the time needed to 10 AP per point of AC<br/><br/>
===== Climb a rope ladder =====
1 AP. Refers to climbing upwards 3 vertical feet. Cost assumes the character has no special [[Climbing (sage ability)|climbing ability]], such as might be possessed by an [[Assassin (class)|assassin]] or [[Thief (class)|thief]].
<u>'''Attack with Weapon:'''</u> the time expended within a given round, in which the character is actively trying [[Roll to Hit|to hit]] an enemy.
===== Climbing =====
1 AP. Refers to climbing upwards one vertical foot.  Cost assumes the character has no special climbing ability. Characters with the sage abilities [[Mountain Climbing (sage ability)|mountain climbing]] or [[Tree Climbing (sage ability)|tree climbing]] are able to climb at 2 ft. (natural rock) or 3 ft. (tree) per action point.  Movement downwards is double the speed needed to climb up.
If a combatant [[Attacks with Two Weapons|employs two weapons]] in their attack, each attack will cost 2 AP. Therefore, the character must have 4 AP available in order to attack with two weapons in a given round. If a character gains two attacks in a specific round due to level or other means, then each of those attacks will cost only 1 AP.
===== Close a back pack =====
2 AP. Describes the time needed to close a buckle or draw string, to ensure that items within are secured and won't fall out. Includes closing a saddle bag, locking a box, barring a door and tying closed a scroll case or a [[Belt Pouch|belt pouch]].
This cost also includes weapons that are hurled, which must be drawn at additional AP cost and be in hand before they are thrown. The same rule applies to weapons that are fired, which also have a cost of 2 AP.  See [[Attacking in Combat|attacking in combat]].<br/><br/>
===== Discharge a casted spell =====
1 AP. Once the casting time has been completed for a spell, 1 AP must be spent to actually release the spell so that its effects can be take place. If a cast spell is not discharged, the caster must continue to concentrate until the spell is discharged, or else the spell will be lost.
<u>'''Change Form:'''</u> describes shape-change due to a spell, magical influence or inherent ability.<br/><br/>
===== Dismount animal =====
2 AP. Describes a safe dismount from any [[Animal|animal]], including [[Horseback Riding (sage study)|horses]], donkeys, mules, [[Camelback Riding (sage study)|camels]], [[Mahout (sage study)|elephants]], [[Flying Mounts (sage study)|flying mounts]] and so on.  Assumes the reins are held and the rider steps down carefully.  '''Hopping clear''' of an animal can be done at a cost of 1 AP, but the rider must make a [[Ability Checks|dexterity check]] or risk taking [[Damage (hit points)|damage]].
<u>'''Climbing (per vertical foot):'''</u> assumes the creature has no special climbing ability. Those with the sage abilities [[Mountain Climbing (sage ability)|mountain climbing]] or [[Tree Climbing (sage ability)|tree climbing]] are able to climb at 1½ to 2 ft. per action point. Climbing down can be accomplished at double the speed needed to climb up.<br/><br/>
Action points must be taken to [[Action Points#Kneel a camel|kneel camels]] and [[Action Points#Kneel an elephant|elephants]] in addition to the time needed to dismount.
<u>'''Close a Saddle Bag or Back Pack:'''</u> includes the time needed to close a buckle or draw string, to ensure that items are secured and won’t fall out. The AP indicated could also apply to locking a box, barring a door, tying closed a scroll case or a belt pouch, etcetera.<br/><br/>
===== Dispel active spell =====
1 AP. Describes only those spells that the caster is personally responsible for, the effects of which are ongoing. The caster merely waves the spell out of existence at the cost of 1 AP.
<u>'''Discharge a Cast Spell:'''</u> presumes the spell has been cast, and is now being released so as to cause effect. If a cast spell has not been discharged, the caster must continue to concentrate until the AP required by the spell is expended.<br/><br/>
===== Dose drink/food with poison =====
1 AP. Presumes the poison are at hand and can be scattered quickly into either [[Food|food]] or drink in a fashion that mixing is unnecessary or may be done surreptitiously.
<u>'''Dismount horse, mule or donkey:'''</u> includes camels, donkeys, elephants, [[Hippogriff|hippogriffs]], [[Horseback Riding (sage study)|horses]], mules, pegasi and so on. Counts the time needed for dropping the reins and either stepping down or — with shorter characters — hopping clear of the animal and gaining balance for the next action. This number should be added to the process of kneeling a camel or an elephant, which must be done before the animal is dismounted.<br/><br/>
===== Dose weapon with poison =====
5 AP. Describes the time needed to apply the poison carefully along a blade for safe use; presumes that both the weapon and substance are at hand.  Includes the AP cost to apply other like substances, such as oiling a rope, spreading glue and applying [[Gripcolle (substance)|gripcolle]] and [[Quicksilver (substance)|quicksilver]].
<u>'''Dispel Active Spell:'''</u> describes only those spells which the caster has personally cast, and after the spell has been discharged. If the spell has been cast and not yet been discharged, there is no movement penalty for failing to discharge the spell, as it requires only breaking concentration.<br/><br/>
===== Draw weapon, heavy one-handed =====
2 AP. Includes weapons weighing 5 pounds or more, that can be used with one hand, counting the [[Mace (weapon)|mace]] and [[Warhammer  (weapon)|warhammer]]; and the [[Bastard Sword (weapon)|bastard]], [[Broad Sword (weapon)|broad]] & [[Long Sword (weapon)|long sword]].  Those creatures with enhanced upper body strength that can wield a two-handed weapon with one hand may draw those weapons at this speed, such as the [[Battle Axe (weapon)|battle axe]], [[Spear (weapon)|spear]] and [[Trident (weapon)|trident]]; and the [[Military Fork (weapon)|military fork]] & [[Military Pick (weapon)|pick]]. '''The same AP cost applies to weapons that are dropped'''.
<u>'''Draw Weapon, Heavy One-handed:'''</u> includes all weapons that may be used with one hand, weighing more than 5 lbs. List includes bastard sword, broad sword, hand axe, holy water sprinkler, long sword, mace and warhammer.
===== Draw weapon, light one-handed =====
1 AP. Includes weapons weighing less than 5 pounds that can be used with one hand, counting the [[Ankus (weapon)|ankus]], [[Bullwhip (weapon)|bullwhip]], [[Club (weapon)|club]], [[Dagger (weapon)|dagger]], [[Dart (weapon)|dart]], [[Godentag (weapon)|godentag]], [[Javelin (weapon)|javelin]], [[Sabre (weapon)|sabre]], [[Scimitar (weapon)|scimitar]], [[Shiriken (weapon)|shiriken]] and [[Throwing Knife (weapon)|throwing knife]]; the [[Horseman's Flail (weapon)|horseman's flail]], [[Horseman's Mace (weapon)|mace]] & [[Horseman's Pick (weapon)|pick]]; and the [[Short Axe (weapon)|short axe]], [[Short Hammer (weapon)|hammer]] & [[Short Sword (weapon)|sword]].
As some creatures with upper body strength can wield a normally two-handed weapon with one hand, for those persons this also includes the battle axe, military fork, military pick, spear and trident.<br/><br/>
===== Draw weapon, two-handed =====
3 AP. Includes weapons of any weight that are used with two hands, counting the battle axe, [[bola (weapon)|bola]], [[Bo Stick (weapon)|bo stick]], [[Bow (weapon)|bow]], [[Corseque (weapon)|corseque]], [[Crossbow (weapon)|crossbow]], [[Flail (weapon)|flail]], [[Glaive (weapon)|glaive]], [[Great Scimitar (weapon)|great scimitar]], [[Guisarme (weapon)|guisarme]], [[Halberd (weapon)|halberd]], [[Jo Stick (weapon)|jo stick]], [[Khopesh (weapon)|khopesh]], [[Maul (weapon)|maul]], [[Morning Star (weapon)|morning star]], [[Pike (weapon)|pike]], [[Quarterstaff (weapon)|quarterstaff]], [[Sling (weapon)|sling]], spear, [[Staff Sling (weapon)|staff sling]], trident and [[Two-handed Sword (weapon)|two-handed sword]]; and the military fork & pick.  
<u>'''Draw weapon, Light One-handed:'''</u> includes all weapons that may be used with one-hand, weighing less than 5 lbs. List includes ankus, bullwhip, club, dagger, dart, godentag, horseman’s flail, horseman’s mace, horseman’s pick, [[Javelin (weapon)|javelin]], sabre, scimitar, short axe, short hammer, short sword, shiriken and throwing knife.<br/><br/>
===== Eat or drink =====
1 AP. Indicates the AP cost per '''1 ounce''' of [[Food|food]] or '''2 ounces''' of fluid to be consumed.  A [[Magic Potion|potion]] consists of 8 ounces of fluid, and would therefore require 4 AP to consume. A [[Action Points#Apply a healing salve|healing salve]] consists of 2 ounces of edible material, therefore requiring 2 AP to eat.
<u>'''Draw weapon, Two-handed:'''</u> includes all weapons that require two hands for use, regardless of weight. List includes battle axe, bola, bo stick, bow, corseque, crossbow, flail, glaive, great scimitar, guisarme, halberd, jo stick, khopesh, maul, military fork, military pick, morning star, pike, quarterstaff, sling, [[Spear (weapon)|spear]], staff sling, trident and two-handed sword.<br/><br/>
===== Extinguish candle =====
1 AP. Describes the time needed to snuff a candle, whether blowing it out, using ones fingers or dousing it.
<u>'''Drop to a prone position:'''</u> describes the time necessary to fall and take to the ground (1 AP) and then orient themselves to take further action (1 AP). If this action is employed with the character’s last action point in a given round, cost is only 1 AP.<br/><br/>
===== Extinguish a lantern =====
2 AP. Includes both the time to adjust the turn-key sufficiently to douse the flame and the time needed for the glow to die. Because of their construction, neither a hooded lantern nor a bullsye lantern can be as easily blown out, due to the hooded cap on the former or the metal door-latch on the latter.
<u>'''Eat or Drink:'''</u> shows AP cost per ounce of food or 2 ounces of fluid to be consumed. A potion consists of 8 ounces of fluid, and therefore requires 4 AP to consume. A healing salve consists of 2 ounces of edible material, therefore requiring 2 AP to eat.<br/><br/>
===== Extinguish a torch =====
3 AP.  Effort describes smothering the [[Illumination#Torches|torch]] with a cloth or grounding the flame by stamping or striking it out.  If the torch can be doused in water, the cost is 1 AP.
<u>'''Extinguish a Candle:'''</u> describes the time needed, regardless of the method, to snuff a candle, either with the fingers, blowing it out or using a douser.<br/><br/>
<u>'''Extinguish a Lantern:'''</u> includes the time needed to turn down the brightly burning lantern using a key. The lantern can be dimmed to half strength at a cost of 1 AP. A dimmed lantern can be turned off and extinguished entirely at 2 AP. A dimmed lantern will reduce its [[Illumination|illumination]].<br/><br/>
===== Free shield from arm =====
3 AP. Describes time needed to unstrap a [[Shield (armour)|shield]] from the combatant's arm, including situations where the shield has [[Saving Throws for Items|failed save as an item]]. A damaged shield that is not freed will decrease armour class by 2 points. Cost in AP presumes the shield is dropped and [[Action Points#Sling shield/bow over shoulder|not slung]] over the character's shoulder.
<u>'''Extinguish a Torch:'''</u> presumes the torch cannot be doused in water, which requires only 1 AP. Otherwise, the torch must be stamped or struck out, strangled with a cloth or otherwise smothered.<br/><br/>
===== Grapple attack =====
3 AP. Includes the time necessary to [[Grappling (hand-to-hand)|physically wrestle]] an opponent, whether employed in [[Clinch Fighting (sage ability)|clinch fighting]], [[Takedown (sage ability)|takedowns]], [[Joint Lock (sage ability)|joint locks]] and other grappling holds.  
===== Kneel a camel =====
3 AP. Describes the process of the camel's front legs buckling so that the camel kneels on its front legs, before the camel's back legs seat and the camel is seated. This allows a comfortable dismount for the rider.  Camels being taller than a horse, it is difficult to dismount from a camel any other way.
<u>'''Free Shield from Arm:'''</u> describes situations where the shield has already been strapped to the arm of the combatant. Shields that are damaged from failing an [[Saving Throws for Items|item saving throw]] must be unstrapped or they will cause penalties to armour class. Time shown assumes the weapon is dropped (see sling a shield or bow, below).<br/><br/>
===== Kneel an elephant =====
5 AP. Describes the elephant bending it's "wrists" and forward elbows, while kneeling on its back legs.  The rider can then climb upon its front leg, gripping the ears or the trunk, or by stepping on the elephant's trunk.  The distance climbed is about four feet; the rider swings a leg over the elephant's neck before the animal is given a cue to rise. If the elephant has a howdah, there will be steps that will allow entering the carriage.
<u>'''Grapple (attack):'''</u> the time necessary to [[Grappling (hand-to-hand)|physically wrestle]] with an opponent, in which the character is actively trying to hit an enemy.<br/><br/>
===== Leave a melee hex =====
1 AP.  When [[Melee|engaged in a melee hex]], the combatant must pay a cost to break off the combat so that any other adjacent hex can be entered.  This cost is ignored if the enemy has been [[Stun Lock|stunned]], is actively engaged with another combatant.
<u>'''Dismount camel (by kneeling):'''</u> describes the process of settling the camel into a kneeling position, readying it to be dismounted or mounted.<br/><br/>
===== Light a candle or spill =====
1 AP. Assumes the candle or [[Illumination#Spills|spill]], and a flame or tinder box, are at hand, so that the spill can be lit.
<u>'''Kneel an Elephant:'''</u> describes the process of settling an elephant with a howdah into a kneeling position, so that the howdah can be entered or departed. Mounting or dismounting an elephant includes climbing a distance of four feet (see climbing, above).<br/><br/>
===== Light a lantern =====
4 AP. Touching a side thumb lever, the glass bubble of a lantern is lifted slightly, so that a lit spill can be applied. The flame is drawn into the globe, setting the wick aflame; the amount of air reaching the wick is then adjusted with the lantern's turn-key, ensuring the flame does not go out when the lever is released. Lanterns cannot be lit using a tinder box.
<u>'''Leave a Melee Hex:'''</u> when engaged with an opponent in [[Melee|melee]], defending against an enemy’s attack to back away, or circle the enemy, costs 1 AP in addition to the normal AP cost to move into the adjacent hex.<br/><br/>
===== Light a torch =====
2 AP. Assumes torch and flame are at hand, so that the flame can be applied long enough to ensure the oilcloth wrapped around the torch is able to catch fire and remain burning. If the torch is wet, it will require two complete rounds to light, requiring an open flame.  Torches cannot be lit using a tinder box.
<u>'''Light a Torch:'''</u> presumes the torch and the means to light it are already in hand. If the torch is wet, it will require two full combat rounds to light using an open flame and cannot be lit at all using a tinder.<br/><br/>
===== Load a bow, aim and fire =====
Requires 1 round, then 2 AP on the second round after the [[Bow (weapon)|bow]] is loaded.  Allows an arrow to be fired '''every other round'''.  The length of time includes selecting an [[Arrow (missile)|arrow]] while consciously observing the battlefield and judging the position and movement of the intended target.  Loading a weapon can be done while [[Sight & Fire (sage ability)|sighting]]. While loading a bow, the character is able to move 1 combat hex without an AP penalty.
<u>'''Load a Bow for Aiming:'''</u> prepares a bow for firing next round. The length of time includes selecting an arrow, remaining situationally aware of the battlefield and judging the next target, something which improves for some character classes [[Experience Level|gain levels]]. Characters with multiple attacks in a round may halve the time just as they halve the AP necessary to attack.<br/><br/>
Characters with multiple attacks per round may perform both loading and firing at a cost of 3 AP.  This 3 AP can be stretched over two rounds; therefore, a character with 2 attacks per round can load the bow (1 AP) at the end of the first round and then aim (1 AP) and fire (1 AP) in the round thereafter; and if he or she has 3 more action points after that, another shot can be fired in that round using 3 more AP.
<u>'''Load a Bow without Aiming:'''</u> describes cursory aiming with the weapon immediately after nocking and drawing the arrow. In this action, the bow can be fired once loaded, in the same round, but only if the character has sufficient AP to attack (see above). The penalty for firing a bow in this way is -2 to hit. Characters with multiple attacks in a round may halve the time just as they halve the AP necessary to attack.<br/><br/>
===== Load and fire a bow without aiming =====
4 AP; can be performed in one round.  Describes preparing a long or short bow without attention paid to the combatant's surroundings, so as to concentrate on the action itself. Doing the action in this way incurs a '''-4 penalty to hit'''. Characters with multiple attacks per round may perform the action at a cost of 2 AP.
<u>'''Load a Heavy or Light Crossbow:'''</u> describes a two-handed operation, with a sling for one foot to stand on to stabilize the weapon. Some crossbows may have a point that can be sunk into earth to stabilize it. The crossbow is then cranked until the drawstring is tight enough to fire. The weapon is then lifted and a bolt inserted into place for firing. The process requires 11 AP which may be spent in a steady action over three or more rounds. The weapon can be fired in the same round as the loading is completed with no penalty, but only if time for attacking is available.<br/><br/>
===== Load a heavy crossbow =====
11 AP. Describes not only the use of both hands, but also a stirrup for one foot to hook onto, though some varieties feature a spike that can be sunk into soft ground, to stabilize the weapon while it is being loaded. The heavy crossbow is then cranked with a turn-wheel, until the drawstring is tight, so that the weapon is ready to fire. A minimum strength of 8 is required. The action is usually completed with three or four rounds. The crossbow can be loaded up to five rounds prior to firing without reducing the tension on the bowstring, but if it not loosened by that time, the bowstring has a 10% chance per round thereafter of being ruined and made unusable.  If there is time, the weapon can be fired in the same round that it has completed loading with no penalty.  Having the multiple attacks per round does not reduce the time necessary to load.  Any person with sufficient strength can load a crossbow.
===== Load a light crossbow =====
8 AP.  Describes not only the use of both hands, but also a stirrup for one foot to hook onto.  A single lever is pulled back in one movement to load the crossbow, once the bowstring is fitted correctly.  A minimum strength of 9 is required.  Once the drawstring is tight, the weapon is ready to fire.  The action is usually completed in 2 to 3 rounds.  The crossbow can be loaded up to five rounds prior to firing without reducing the tension on the bowstring, but if it not loosened by that time, the bowstring has a 10% chance per round thereafter of being ruined and made unusable.  If there is time, the weapon can be fired in the same round that it has completed loading with no penalty.  Having the multiple attacks per round does not reduce the time necessary to load.  Any person with sufficient strength can load a crossbow.
===== Load a sling and fire =====
Requires 1 round, then 2 AP on the second round after the [[Sling (weapon)|sling]] is loaded.  Allows a bullet or stone to be hurled '''every other round'''.  The length of time includes selecting the stone while consciously observing the battlefield and judging the position and movement of the intended target.  Characters with multiple attacks per round '''cannot fire a sling faster than this.'''  Slings cannot be loaded and fired without aiming.  Loading a weapon can be done while [[Sight & Fire (sage ability)|sighting]].
<u>'''Mount an Animal:'''</u> Most animals are mounted with a single stirrup in which the rider puts their foot, hoisting themselves aboard. If the stirrup is higher than the diaphragm of the rider, the animal cannot be mounted in this fashion; either a step must be used, or the animal be made to kneel (see kneeling a camel or kneeling an elephant, above). Very large animals, such as an oliphant, must be climbed by rope ladder (the oliphant requires 9 feet of climbing).
===== Mount animal =====
3 AP. Horses, donkeys, mules, pegasi, hippogriffs, hippocampus, sea horses and tarns are mounted by fitting one foot into the stirrup before the rider hoists themselves onto the animal. Some saddles are unusually shaped but the procedure is more or less the same.  [[Action Points#Kneel a camel|Camels]] and [[Action Points#Kneel an elephant|elephants]] are knelt first and this point cost must be paid before the animal is mounted, and then another cost must be paid to [[Action Points#Raise a knelt animal|raise the creature]].
The time given for mounting an animal is counted in addition to these other means, after kneeling the animal or the climb is accomplished, whether into a saddle or — in the case of an elephant or oliphant — a howdah. Climbing a step to a mounting position counts as 1 AP; the step will remain behind unless it is removed by another.<br/><br/>
If the stirrup on the animal is higher than the rider's diaphram, or top of the rider's belly, the stirrup must be complimented with a step to raise the rider first. '''Climbing a step''' to a mounting position costs 1 AP. To ascend to the back of an oliphant, a [[Action Points#Climb a rope ladder|rope ladder]] must be used; the oliphant requires 9 feet of climbing.
<u>'''Obtain an Item Pocketed or Tied:'''</u> describes items that are fixed to the character’s person (such as flasks, small blades, [[Cricket (cantrip)|cricket cages]], [[Magic Stone (spell)|tawkra balls]], etcetera) by straps, strings, hooks, or in pockets both outside and inside clothing. Obtaining access to these things usually requires shifting held objects, feeling for the object wanted, digging around under cloaks or through robes and being sure to grab the object firmly before pulling it free.<br/><br/>
===== Move to prone position =====
2 AP. Describes the time necessary to fall and take to the ground (1 AP) and then orient in order to take further action.  The first part of the action may be taken if the character wishes to keep head down and remain [[Blindness (condition)|blind]]; but to identify what's happening and from what direction, the second cost must be met.
<u>'''Open a Corked Bottle:'''</u> describes a bottle that has never been previously opened.<br/><br/>
===== Obtain item pocketed or tied =====
4 AP. Describes the cost to take hold of items attached to the character's person, such as flasks, small blades, [[Cricket (cantrip)|cricket cages]], [[Magic Stone (spell)|tawkra balls]], etcetera — by straps, strings, hooks or in pockets both inside and outside [[Clothing|clothing]].  Time includes the general matter of shifting objects already in the character's hands, feeling for the object wanted, digging around under cloaks or through robes, and being sure to grab the object firmly before pulling it free.
<u>'''Open an Unstuck Door:'''</u> refers to the process of opening any ordinary door that is not barred, locked or otherwise restrained from its normal use. If the door is shouldered open (requiring a strength check), this requires but 2 AP. However, once the door is shouldered open, the person acting must make a dexterity check or [[Tumbling|tumble]].<br/><br/>
===== Open a corked bottle =====
5 AP.  Describes specifically sealed bottles that have not been opened since the contents were sealed inside, such as potions, wine bottles or pots of glue, sealing wax, pastes, [[Acid (substance)|acid]] bottles and so on. Once the cork has been removed once, the item counts as an [[Action Points#Activate object|activated object]].
<u>'''Open a Stuck Door:'''</u> refers to doors that have swollen inside their frames, so that the pressure of the wood resists entry. Such doors are not opened by strength, but by force. The chance of opening said door equals the combined body mass of up to two persons, divided by 10, as a chance out of 100.
===== Open a stuck door =====
1 round. Describes doors that have swollen inside their frames from damp, so that the pressure of the wood resists entry. Stuck doors must be forced with pressure applied to the right points. The chance of opening a stuck door equals the combined mass of up to two persons and their equipment, divided by 10, which is expressed as a percentage chance out of 100.  The chance of success is doubled if the character(s) attempts to rush the door, requiring at least a 5 foot running start; this action will automatically cause 1-6 damage from the [[Crashes & Collisions|crash]].
For example, two persons with a combined weight of 296 lbs. would have a 29 in 100 chance of forcing the door open, each round. Minimum time required is 2 AP, after which tumbling will occur. A failure indicates the remainder of that round’s action points are spent. Each round of attempt after the first will cause +1 damage, including attempts to crash through the door. Chance of success can be doubled if those attempting to force choose to run at the door, requiring a start two hexes away and automatically causing 1-6 damage from the [[Crashes & Collisions|crash]].<br/><br/>
===== Open an unstuck door =====
2 AP. Describes the process of opening any ordinary door that is not barred, locked or otherwise blocked against normal use. If the door is shouldered open, the time required is reduced to 1 AP; this requires the character to make a dexterity check or [[Tumbling|tumble]], once the door is opened.
<u>'''Pick up an Object:'''</u> includes bending over to retrieve an object from the ground or taking an object from any shelf or other location, for objects of 5 lbs. or less. Larger objects up to 8 lbs. will require 2 AP; up to 13 lbs. will require 3 AP; and up to 21 lbs. will require 4 AP.
===== Pummel attack =====
1 AP. Conveys how a punch can be delivered more quickly than a [[Action Points#Attack with weapon|swung weapon]].  An attack with a fist can be done at any time in lieu of a weapon attack, or as a second weapon when the character wishes to attack with two weapons or has multiple attacks.
Objects weighing up to 34 lbs., 55 lbs., 89 lbs., 144 lbs., 233 lbs. and so on will progressively require 1 additional AP per stage. This assumes humanoids weighing up to 233 lbs. For humanoids weighing progressively up to 377 lbs., 610 lbs., 987 lbs. and so on, subtract 1 AP from the cost of picking up each size class of item.
===== Raise a knelt animal =====
2 AP. Describes the time needed to bring a camel or an elephant from its knees to a standing position, whether or not the animal has been mounted or includes a howdah. Mounted persons must ensure the animal is standing before forward movement is allowed.
However, as size increases, it becomes progressively harder to pick up smaller items. And so, if the AP of an item is reduced to zero, instead add 1 AP to the time needed to collect that item. For example, a 350 pound humanoid bends down to pick up an item weighing less than 5 lb. Because the normal time is already 1 AP, this increases to 2 AP, while items between 5 lbs. and 8 lbs. reduces to only 1 AP (because this is the most comfortable size).<br/><br/>
===== Rouse sleeping creature =====
1 to 3 AP. Relates to the difficulty that [[Rouse Sleeping Creatures|sleeping creatures]] have in waking up so that they're able to take action. Light sleepers require 1 AP; normal sleepers 2 AP; and heavy sleepers 3 AP.
<u>'''Pummel:'''</u> the time necessary to attack with [[Pummelling|fisticuffs]], in which the character is actively trying to hit an enemy.<br/><br/>
===== Scramble =====
2 AP. Describes the cost per combat hex when moving over cluttered or broken ground, or where the variation of surface is 11-30° up or down.  Includes climbing onto or off furniture, a platform or a short ledge where the angle of ascent does not exceed 30°.  Steep climbs of 31-50° require 3 AP per hex.  Sharp climbs of 51-80° require 4 AP.  Treat slopes greater than 80° degrees as [[Action Points#Climbing|climbing]].
<u>'''Raise a Knelt Animal:'''</u> describes the time needed to bring a camel or an elephant from its knees to a standing position, whether or not the animal is mounted. Mounted persons must ensure the animal is standing before forward movement is allowed.<br/><br/>
===== Search a back pack =====
3 to 10 AP.  Includes opening the pack, then digging through the contents in search of a specific object.  Anything that would be obvious, due to its size and nature, being any object as long as the pack itself (about 15 in.) would be found at a cost of 3 AP.  This is likewise if the pack is ¾ empty.  Fist-sized objects in a half-full pack would be found at a cost of 3-5 AP. Smaller items require a cost of 3-10 AP (2d4+2). Since the time of searches only matters during combat, some of the time required reflects the stress the character would feel under those conditions.
<u>'''Rouse Sleeping Creature:'''</u> see [[Rouse Sleeping Creatures|rule for details]]. Light sleepers require 1 AP; normal sleepers 2 AP; and heavy sleepers 3 AP.<br/><br/>
===== Search a saddle bag =====
2 to 4 AP. Includes opening the bag and committing it to a similar search as that of the [[Action Points#Search a back pack|back pack]], above.  In the case that an animal will have two saddle bags, the character should make a [[Ability Checks|wisdom check]] to see if they remember which bag the sought object would be in. A failed check will mean a loss of 4 AP in searching the wrong bag.
<u>'''Scramble:'''</u> describes the number of AP needed to move one combat hex over uneven ground, where the variation of surface is 11-30° upwards or downwards. This would include jumping onto a chair, a tree stump or upwards onto a short ledge that was, by angle, no higher than 30 degrees above the starting hex. A steeper climb, of 31-50°, requires 3 AP; a climb of 50-80° requires 4 AP; and any climb higher than 80 degrees is effectively climbing (see above).<br/><br/>
===== Sheathe weapon into back scabbard =====
3 AP. Describes the time needed regardless of the weight or nature of the weapon. The scabbard must, of course, be designed for the specific weapon in question.
<u>'''Search a Back Pack:'''</u> includes the process of opening, then digging through the contents of a back pack in search of a specific object. Anything that should be excessively obvious, due to size or nature, such as a rope or an immediately visible weapon, will require 3 AP. Any smaller object will randomly require 3-10 AP (d8+2). Time does not include the number of AP to close the bag after the object is found.<br/><br/>
===== Sheathe weapon into belt scabbard =====
2 AP. As with the [[Action Points#Sheathe weapon into back scabbard|back scabbard]], the point cost applies to weapons of any weight or nature.
<u>'''Search a Saddle Bag:'''</u> similar to search a back pack, above. Character should make an wisdom check to see if they’ve remembered which of two saddle bags the item is located (or conversely, if they’ve wisely put the object where it belongs). A successful check will require only 2-4 AP. A failed check will require 3 AP of searching in the wrong bag, followed by 2-4 AP of searching in the right one. 1 AP is required for opening the bag.<br/><br/>
===== Sling shield/bow over shoulder =====
2 AP. Describes cost to lift the weapon up and onto the character's back or across the character's shoulders.  The also applies to a bow, if the weapon is [[Action Points#String a bow|strung]]. Sheathing an unstrung bow into a [[Action Points#Sheathe weapon into back scabbard|back scabbard]] costs 3 AP. To sling the shield over a character's shoulder, the character's shoulder belt must include a shield hook. Does not include the time needed to [[Action Points#Free shield from arm|free a shield]] from the character's arm.
<u>'''Sheathe a Weapon into a Back or Belt Scabbard:'''</u> time required regardless of the weight or nature of the weapon. The scabbard must, of course, be designed for the specific weapon in question.<br/><br/>
===== Speak or call instructions =====
1 AP. The number of words that can be spoken for the cost indicated is four; a sentence of 5-8 words would require 2 AP; 9-12 words would require 3 AP and so on. Alternately, DM's may use a time piece to measure the amount of speech that can be said in the time period reckoned, but in such cases the speech should be made loud enough to be heard over the sound of battle, or across distances, if those circumstances apply.
<u>'''Sling a Shield or Bow over the Shoulder:'''</u> presumes that the shield has been freed from the arm and that the bow is strung. An unstrung bow is treated as sheathing a weapon into a back scabbard instead. A shield hook must be mounted on an over-the-shoulder belt to sling a shield on the person’s back.<br/><br/>
Speaking can be performed while taking other actions, so long as the character is not drinking, eating or spellcasting. No other actions may be taken if the party is attempting to [[Parley & Negotiation|parley]] with an enemy.
<u>'''Speak or Call Instructions:'''</u> either limit the number of words that can be spoken to 4 words per AP, or 20 words per round, or use a time piece to measure the number of words that can be said in the time period reckoned. Speaking can be performed while performing any action that does not require strong attention (managing an animal, rousing a sleeper, searching) or using the mouth for other purposes (drinking, eating, spellcasting). See [[Parley & Negotiation|Parley & Negotiation]].<br/><br/>
===== Spellcasting =====
1 round. 1st and 2nd level spells usually require 1 full round to cast; as spells increase in power, they take more rounds. Some spells, specifically not designed for battle, may take much longer. Most [[Cantrip|cantrips]] require only a few action points to cast.
<u>'''Spellcasting:'''</u> 1st and 2nd level spells usually require a full round to cast. As spells increase in power, they take more rounds to cast. Some spells, specifically not designed for the battlefield, may take hours to cast. Most cantrips take only a few action points in order to cast.<br/><br/>
===== Stand from prone position =====
2 AP. Describes jumping up from laying on either the front or the back. Does not include the time [[Action Points#Rouse sleeping creatures|needed to awake]].  While prone, characters are limited to using one-handed weapons until returning to a standing position.
<u>'''Stand from a Laying or Seated Position:'''</u> includes the time necessary to adopt a fighting stance. Note that characters seated in a chair can, upon standing, seize the weapon as a club with only 1 additional AP. See [[Using Found Objects as Weapons|Using Found Objects as Weapons]].<br/><br/>
===== Stand from seated position =====
1 AP. Upon standing, characters may subtract 1 AP from the time needed to [[Action Points#Draw weapon, heavy one-handed|draw weapons]], as this can be done simultaneously. This includes [[Using Found Objects as Weapons|using found objects as weapons]].
<u>'''Strap a Shield to the Arm:'''</u> generally considered to require two complete rounds for an unarmoured person. Compare with the number of AP required for armouring the body. Strapping a shield can be aided by one other person, who will reduce the total time to 7 AP.<br/><br/>
===== Strap shield to arm =====
10 AP. Compare with the time necessary to [[Action Points#Armour the body|armour the body]]. Strapping the shield in place can be aided by one other person, reducing the total cost to 7 AP.
===== String a bow =====
3 AP. Assumes that both string and bow are already in hand.  Characters who possess a total of 5 AP can string the bow and [[Action Points#Load a bow without aiming|load it without aiming]] in one round.
<u>'''Throw a Grapple:'''</u> describes the time necessary to [[Throwing a Grapple|ready the grapple]], swinging it for momentum, hurling it outwards and testing the resistance of the grapple by pulling the rope taut. A failure requires the same amount of time.<br/><br/>
===== Throw grapple =====
5 AP. Describes the time necessary to [[Throwing a Grapple|ready the grapple]], swinging it for momentum, hurling it outwards and testing the resistance of the grapple by pulling the rope taut. A failure requires the same amount of time.
<u>'''Touch Friendly Creature:'''</u> most often describes the delivery of a spell to a recipient. Supposes the person to be touched is ready and within reach (one combat hex) at the moment of touching, even reaching out towards the caster.<br/><br/>
===== Throw aimed object =====
2 AP. Similar to [[Action Points#Attack with weapon|attacking with weapon]], includes throwing a magic stone, a rock, hurled missile or object intended for another individual to catch.
<u>'''Touch Unfriendly Creature:'''</u> most often describes an attempt by a caster to affect an unwilling enemy with a spell ([[Cure Light Wounds (spell)|cause light wounds]], [[Shocking Grasp (spell)|shocking grasp]], etc.), who is most likely unaware that this is the intent of the caster. A miss should reveal this purpose to an intelligent creature, who would then give ground to avoid receiving the unknown spell’s effect (an attempt to pummel the creature might conceal this purpose).<br/><br/>
===== Touch a friendly creature =====
1 AP. Includes attempts to deliver the effects of a spell, such as [[Bless (spell)|bless]] or [[Cure Light Wounds (spell)|cure light wounds]], to a recipient, one who is willing to be touched. If both persons are able to move towards each other, the characters may be counted as touching though they remain in adjacent combat hexes (they are presumed to move close enough to each other to reach.  To touch a prone or unconscious person, the character attempting to touch must move into the target's hex.
<u>'''Unsling a Back Pack:'''</u> describes the time necessary to remove a back pack from its position between the shoulders of the combatant, whereupon it may be dropped. To search a back pack, see above.<br/><br/>
===== Touch an unfriendly creature =====
2 AP. Describes any attempt to deliver the effects of a spell or actively attempt to affect an unwilling enemy by physical contact, such as spells like [[Shocking Grasp (spell)|shocking grasp]] or cause light wounds. Such attempts are treated in action point costs as [[Action Points#Attack with weapon|attacking with a weapon]]. Intelligent creatures will recognize what's being attempted and will often give ground to avoid receiving an unknown spell's effect, increasing the AP cost.
<u>'''Unsling a Shield:'''</u> indicates the time needed to get the shield from the person’s back and into their hand, where it can be used for defence. Does not include the time necessary to strap a shield to the arm (see above).
===== Unsling back pack =====
5 AP. Describes the time necessary to loosen the shoulder straps of a back pack and drop it from a combatant's shoulders.  Often used prior to combat or as a preliminary to [[Action Points#Search a back pack|searching a back pack]].
[[Category: Needs Chart]]
===== Unsling shield & make ready =====
3 AP. Describes the time needed to lift a shield from the combatant's back, where it hangs on a shield hook, and ready it in hand. Does not include the time necessary to [[Action Points#Strap shield to arm|strap the shield]] to the combatant's arm.

Revision as of 23:15, 3 June 2024

Action Points (AP) describes the time necessary to perform an action each round, usually applied during combat. Though rounds are nominally 12 seconds in length, the time for an action point to be expended depends upon both the relative speed of the actor and the difficulty of the action to be accomplished. Action points manage this time-keeping disparity with an eye to playability by assigning an AP cost to each action. Players and NPCs must decide what to do with the points they have, introducing a strong tactical element to combat.

Action points not spent in the course of each round cannot be saved up and used later. Some actions require multiple rounds to perform, such as spellcasting, loading weapons or searching. These examples presume the actor's efforts are being spent in a single continuous procedure that happens to occur over several rounds due to its nature.

Humanoids, from as small as kobalds to as large as giants, are naturally possessed of 5 action points. There are exceptions, such as the monk. This movement is adjusted by encumbrance, which measures the total weight in gear and other carried objects. The amount of weight a character carries is variable. Once a character adds sufficient weight to reduce their AP to 1 point, no more can be carried.


Stride Hexes/AP
Wary 1
Walking 2-3
Running 4-5
Sprinting 6-8

Movement describes the AP cost to cross the distance from hex to hex, each being 5 feet in diameter. There are four manners of movement, or "strides." These strides are wary, walking, running and sprinting; the AP cost for each is shown on the right-hand table. The spread enables the combatant to select a specific speed of movement; for example, if running, the character may use 1 AP to move either 4 hexes per point or 5. Both are counted as "running" for game purposes.

Both large and fast creatures, with longer strides or due to their biology, have AP costs per hex that allow them to move faster than ordinary humanoids. Horses have various gaits at which they can walk or run, while gazelles and cheetahs can manage 20 hexes or more per AP. A hill giant walking with a normal stride would travel 3.5 hexes per AP.

Point Costs

Actions AP Cost
activate object 1
adjust a free object for use 1
adjust lantern shutter 1
adjust lantern turn-key 1
apply a healing salve 3
armour the body, per AC 25
attack with weapon 2
change form 1 round
climb a rope ladder 1
climbing, per vertical ft. 1
close a back pack/saddle bag 2
discharge a casted spell 1
dismount animal 2
dispel active spell 1
dose drink/food with poison 1
dose weapon with poison 5
draw weapon, heavy one-handed 2
draw weapon, light one-handed 1
draw weapon, two-handed 3
eat or drink, per weight 1
extinguish candle 1
extinguish a lantern 2
extinguish a torch 3
free shield from arm 3
grapple attack 3
kneel a camel 3
kneel an elephant 5
leave a melee hex 1
light a candle or spill 2
light a lantern 4
light a torch 2
load a bow, aim & fire 1 round +2 AP
load & fire a bow without aiming 4
load a heavy crossbow 11
load a light crossbow 8
load & fire a sling 1 round +2 AP
mount animal 3
move to prone position 2
obtain item pocketed or tied 4
open a corked bottle 5
open a stuck door 1 round
open an unstuck door 2
pummel attack 1
raise a knelt animal 2
rouse sleeping creature 1-3
scramble 2
search a back pack 3-10
search a saddle bag 2-4
sheathe weapon into back scabbard 3
sheathe weapon into belt scabbard 2
sling shield/bow over shoulder 2
speak or call instructions 1
spellcasting 1 round
stand from prone position 2
stand from seated position
strap shield to arm 10
string a bow 3
throw grapple 5
throw aimed object 2
touch a friendly creature 1
touch an unfriendly creature 2
unsling back pack 5
unsling shield & make ready 3

Many of these actions have exceptions and considerations that a DM must manage. The circumstances of a particular action may require a judgement call, where matters do not fit expected perameters. Actions are listed alphabetically, but should be viewed occasionally by the players, that they may familiarize themselves with the choices listed.

Activate object

1 AP. Includes any object, many of which will be magical in nature, that must somehow be turned on, commanded to act or otherwise activated. Includes uncorking a previously uncorked bottle or drawing out a wand, staff, rod, ring or like item. The action is generally enough to employ the object for its purpose; however, in cases such as the uncorked bottle, the action would not include aiming and throwing the object, which would be another action.

Adjust a free object for use

1 AP. Describes any situation in which the object weighing less than 5 lbs. has to be manipulated, such as being opened in order to be read, such as a book or a compass; looked through, such as an eyeglass or telescope; turned over; picked up from its location; taken out of a small pocket; or any other like situation in which movement of the object is the intention or requirement.

Larger objects require more time. Those up to 8 lbs. will require 2 AP; up to 13 lbs. will require 3 AP; and up to 21 lbs. will require 4 AP. Objects weighing up to 34 lbs., 55 lbs., 89 lbs., 144 lbs., 233 lbs. and so on will progressively require 1 additional AP per stage (until they are too heavy to move). These numbers apply to humanoids weighing up to 233 lbs.

For humanoids weighing up to 377 lbs., 610 lbs., 987 lbs. and more, progressively subtract 1 AP from the cost of picking up each size class of item. However, as size increases, it becomes harder to pick up smaller items. And so, when the AP of an item is reduced to zero, count such items as costing 2 AP to the time needed to collect that item. For example, a 350 pound humanoid bends down to pick up an item weighing less than 5 lb. Because the normal time is already 1 AP, the modifier would reduce this to 0 AP. The small-item rule adjusts this to 2 AP.

Adjust lantern shutter

1 AP. Describes the act of adjusting a bullseye lantern so that the arc of light shining can be widened or narrowed, or closed completely.

Adjust lantern turn-key

1 AP. Describes the adjustment of a lantern valve that controls the amount of air to the glass bubble, determining the amount of illumination that the lantern will offer.

Apply a healing salve

3 AP. Gives the time required to feed a healing salve to a willing, conscious patient, or pour the salve into an open wound. This allows the salve to work (awarding 1-4 hit points) and causes the wound to close. If there is no wound, or the patient is unconscious, the time needed to introduce part of the salve into the mouth and rub the rest into the skin of the patient's throat or upper chest will be 6 AP, which can be accomplished over multiple rounds.

Armour the body
Dressing in Armour.jpg

25 AP. Regardless of the type of armour being applied, the cost indicates the amount of action necessary to improve the wearer's armour class by 1 point. This presumes that part of the armour can be applied (such as hauberk and chausses, greaves, tassets, breast plates, chain shirts, gorgets and so on) even if the whole ensemble is not worn. A character may spend 75 AP dressing in partial chain mail armour, sufficient to improve the character's AC by 3 pts., then forgo the remainder in order to join a fight.

A full suit of Leather armour would require 50 AP to make completely ready, studded leather or ring mail would need 75 AP, scale mail would need 100 AP and so on.

Aid can be received from up to 2 attendants. One attendant helping will reduce the time needed per point of armour class to a cost of 15 AP, while two attendants will reduce the cost to 10 AP per point.

Armour can be removed at 12 AP per point of protection.

Attack with weapon

2 AP. The cost of rolling to hit, whether in combat and if firing/hurling a weapon. Combatants using two weapons must pay this cost once for each weapon each round. If the character does not have sufficient AP to do this, they must forgo two attacks. In the case of multiple attacks, which arise from the combatant having achieved the ability to attack twice in a given round, the cost per attack is only 1 AP.

Change form

1 round. Includes polymorph and shape-change, by spell or natural ability. Cost in AP equals one complete round, from beginning of change to full assumption of new shape.

Climb a rope ladder

1 AP. Refers to climbing upwards 3 vertical feet. Cost assumes the character has no special climbing ability, such as might be possessed by an assassin or thief.


1 AP. Refers to climbing upwards one vertical foot. Cost assumes the character has no special climbing ability. Characters with the sage abilities mountain climbing or tree climbing are able to climb at 2 ft. (natural rock) or 3 ft. (tree) per action point. Movement downwards is double the speed needed to climb up.

Close a back pack

2 AP. Describes the time needed to close a buckle or draw string, to ensure that items within are secured and won't fall out. Includes closing a saddle bag, locking a box, barring a door and tying closed a scroll case or a belt pouch.

Discharge a casted spell

1 AP. Once the casting time has been completed for a spell, 1 AP must be spent to actually release the spell so that its effects can be take place. If a cast spell is not discharged, the caster must continue to concentrate until the spell is discharged, or else the spell will be lost.

Dismount animal

2 AP. Describes a safe dismount from any animal, including horses, donkeys, mules, camels, elephants, flying mounts and so on. Assumes the reins are held and the rider steps down carefully. Hopping clear of an animal can be done at a cost of 1 AP, but the rider must make a dexterity check or risk taking damage.

Action points must be taken to kneel camels and elephants in addition to the time needed to dismount.

Dispel active spell

1 AP. Describes only those spells that the caster is personally responsible for, the effects of which are ongoing. The caster merely waves the spell out of existence at the cost of 1 AP.

Dose drink/food with poison

1 AP. Presumes the poison are at hand and can be scattered quickly into either food or drink in a fashion that mixing is unnecessary or may be done surreptitiously.

Dose weapon with poison

5 AP. Describes the time needed to apply the poison carefully along a blade for safe use; presumes that both the weapon and substance are at hand. Includes the AP cost to apply other like substances, such as oiling a rope, spreading glue and applying gripcolle and quicksilver.

Draw weapon, heavy one-handed

2 AP. Includes weapons weighing 5 pounds or more, that can be used with one hand, counting the mace and warhammer; and the bastard, broad & long sword. Those creatures with enhanced upper body strength that can wield a two-handed weapon with one hand may draw those weapons at this speed, such as the battle axe, spear and trident; and the military fork & pick. The same AP cost applies to weapons that are dropped.

Draw weapon, light one-handed

1 AP. Includes weapons weighing less than 5 pounds that can be used with one hand, counting the ankus, bullwhip, club, dagger, dart, godentag, javelin, sabre, scimitar, shiriken and throwing knife; the horseman's flail, mace & pick; and the short axe, hammer & sword.

Draw weapon, two-handed

3 AP. Includes weapons of any weight that are used with two hands, counting the battle axe, bola, bo stick, bow, corseque, crossbow, flail, glaive, great scimitar, guisarme, halberd, jo stick, khopesh, maul, morning star, pike, quarterstaff, sling, spear, staff sling, trident and two-handed sword; and the military fork & pick.

Eat or drink

1 AP. Indicates the AP cost per 1 ounce of food or 2 ounces of fluid to be consumed. A potion consists of 8 ounces of fluid, and would therefore require 4 AP to consume. A healing salve consists of 2 ounces of edible material, therefore requiring 2 AP to eat.

Extinguish candle

1 AP. Describes the time needed to snuff a candle, whether blowing it out, using ones fingers or dousing it.

Extinguish a lantern

2 AP. Includes both the time to adjust the turn-key sufficiently to douse the flame and the time needed for the glow to die. Because of their construction, neither a hooded lantern nor a bullsye lantern can be as easily blown out, due to the hooded cap on the former or the metal door-latch on the latter.

Extinguish a torch

3 AP. Effort describes smothering the torch with a cloth or grounding the flame by stamping or striking it out. If the torch can be doused in water, the cost is 1 AP.

Strapped Shield.jpg
Free shield from arm

3 AP. Describes time needed to unstrap a shield from the combatant's arm, including situations where the shield has failed save as an item. A damaged shield that is not freed will decrease armour class by 2 points. Cost in AP presumes the shield is dropped and not slung over the character's shoulder.

Grapple attack

3 AP. Includes the time necessary to physically wrestle an opponent, whether employed in clinch fighting, takedowns, joint locks and other grappling holds.

Kneel a camel

3 AP. Describes the process of the camel's front legs buckling so that the camel kneels on its front legs, before the camel's back legs seat and the camel is seated. This allows a comfortable dismount for the rider. Camels being taller than a horse, it is difficult to dismount from a camel any other way.

Kneel an elephant

5 AP. Describes the elephant bending it's "wrists" and forward elbows, while kneeling on its back legs. The rider can then climb upon its front leg, gripping the ears or the trunk, or by stepping on the elephant's trunk. The distance climbed is about four feet; the rider swings a leg over the elephant's neck before the animal is given a cue to rise. If the elephant has a howdah, there will be steps that will allow entering the carriage.

Leave a melee hex

1 AP. When engaged in a melee hex, the combatant must pay a cost to break off the combat so that any other adjacent hex can be entered. This cost is ignored if the enemy has been stunned, is actively engaged with another combatant.

Light a candle or spill

1 AP. Assumes the candle or spill, and a flame or tinder box, are at hand, so that the spill can be lit.

Light a lantern

4 AP. Touching a side thumb lever, the glass bubble of a lantern is lifted slightly, so that a lit spill can be applied. The flame is drawn into the globe, setting the wick aflame; the amount of air reaching the wick is then adjusted with the lantern's turn-key, ensuring the flame does not go out when the lever is released. Lanterns cannot be lit using a tinder box.

Light a torch

2 AP. Assumes torch and flame are at hand, so that the flame can be applied long enough to ensure the oilcloth wrapped around the torch is able to catch fire and remain burning. If the torch is wet, it will require two complete rounds to light, requiring an open flame. Torches cannot be lit using a tinder box.

Load a bow, aim and fire

Requires 1 round, then 2 AP on the second round after the bow is loaded. Allows an arrow to be fired every other round. The length of time includes selecting an arrow while consciously observing the battlefield and judging the position and movement of the intended target. Loading a weapon can be done while sighting. While loading a bow, the character is able to move 1 combat hex without an AP penalty.

Characters with multiple attacks per round may perform both loading and firing at a cost of 3 AP. This 3 AP can be stretched over two rounds; therefore, a character with 2 attacks per round can load the bow (1 AP) at the end of the first round and then aim (1 AP) and fire (1 AP) in the round thereafter; and if he or she has 3 more action points after that, another shot can be fired in that round using 3 more AP.

Load and fire a bow without aiming

4 AP; can be performed in one round. Describes preparing a long or short bow without attention paid to the combatant's surroundings, so as to concentrate on the action itself. Doing the action in this way incurs a -4 penalty to hit. Characters with multiple attacks per round may perform the action at a cost of 2 AP.

Loading a Crossbow.jpg
Load a heavy crossbow

11 AP. Describes not only the use of both hands, but also a stirrup for one foot to hook onto, though some varieties feature a spike that can be sunk into soft ground, to stabilize the weapon while it is being loaded. The heavy crossbow is then cranked with a turn-wheel, until the drawstring is tight, so that the weapon is ready to fire. A minimum strength of 8 is required. The action is usually completed with three or four rounds. The crossbow can be loaded up to five rounds prior to firing without reducing the tension on the bowstring, but if it not loosened by that time, the bowstring has a 10% chance per round thereafter of being ruined and made unusable. If there is time, the weapon can be fired in the same round that it has completed loading with no penalty. Having the multiple attacks per round does not reduce the time necessary to load. Any person with sufficient strength can load a crossbow.

Load a light crossbow

8 AP. Describes not only the use of both hands, but also a stirrup for one foot to hook onto. A single lever is pulled back in one movement to load the crossbow, once the bowstring is fitted correctly. A minimum strength of 9 is required. Once the drawstring is tight, the weapon is ready to fire. The action is usually completed in 2 to 3 rounds. The crossbow can be loaded up to five rounds prior to firing without reducing the tension on the bowstring, but if it not loosened by that time, the bowstring has a 10% chance per round thereafter of being ruined and made unusable. If there is time, the weapon can be fired in the same round that it has completed loading with no penalty. Having the multiple attacks per round does not reduce the time necessary to load. Any person with sufficient strength can load a crossbow.

Load a sling and fire

Requires 1 round, then 2 AP on the second round after the sling is loaded. Allows a bullet or stone to be hurled every other round. The length of time includes selecting the stone while consciously observing the battlefield and judging the position and movement of the intended target. Characters with multiple attacks per round cannot fire a sling faster than this. Slings cannot be loaded and fired without aiming. Loading a weapon can be done while sighting.

Mount animal

3 AP. Horses, donkeys, mules, pegasi, hippogriffs, hippocampus, sea horses and tarns are mounted by fitting one foot into the stirrup before the rider hoists themselves onto the animal. Some saddles are unusually shaped but the procedure is more or less the same. Camels and elephants are knelt first and this point cost must be paid before the animal is mounted, and then another cost must be paid to raise the creature.

If the stirrup on the animal is higher than the rider's diaphram, or top of the rider's belly, the stirrup must be complimented with a step to raise the rider first. Climbing a step to a mounting position costs 1 AP. To ascend to the back of an oliphant, a rope ladder must be used; the oliphant requires 9 feet of climbing.

Move to prone position

2 AP. Describes the time necessary to fall and take to the ground (1 AP) and then orient in order to take further action. The first part of the action may be taken if the character wishes to keep head down and remain blind; but to identify what's happening and from what direction, the second cost must be met.

Obtain item pocketed or tied

4 AP. Describes the cost to take hold of items attached to the character's person, such as flasks, small blades, cricket cages, tawkra balls, etcetera — by straps, strings, hooks or in pockets both inside and outside clothing. Time includes the general matter of shifting objects already in the character's hands, feeling for the object wanted, digging around under cloaks or through robes, and being sure to grab the object firmly before pulling it free.

Open a corked bottle

5 AP. Describes specifically sealed bottles that have not been opened since the contents were sealed inside, such as potions, wine bottles or pots of glue, sealing wax, pastes, acid bottles and so on. Once the cork has been removed once, the item counts as an activated object.

Open a stuck door

1 round. Describes doors that have swollen inside their frames from damp, so that the pressure of the wood resists entry. Stuck doors must be forced with pressure applied to the right points. The chance of opening a stuck door equals the combined mass of up to two persons and their equipment, divided by 10, which is expressed as a percentage chance out of 100. The chance of success is doubled if the character(s) attempts to rush the door, requiring at least a 5 foot running start; this action will automatically cause 1-6 damage from the crash.

Open an unstuck door

2 AP. Describes the process of opening any ordinary door that is not barred, locked or otherwise blocked against normal use. If the door is shouldered open, the time required is reduced to 1 AP; this requires the character to make a dexterity check or tumble, once the door is opened.

Pummel attack

1 AP. Conveys how a punch can be delivered more quickly than a swung weapon. An attack with a fist can be done at any time in lieu of a weapon attack, or as a second weapon when the character wishes to attack with two weapons or has multiple attacks.

Raise a knelt animal

2 AP. Describes the time needed to bring a camel or an elephant from its knees to a standing position, whether or not the animal has been mounted or includes a howdah. Mounted persons must ensure the animal is standing before forward movement is allowed.

Rouse sleeping creature

1 to 3 AP. Relates to the difficulty that sleeping creatures have in waking up so that they're able to take action. Light sleepers require 1 AP; normal sleepers 2 AP; and heavy sleepers 3 AP.


2 AP. Describes the cost per combat hex when moving over cluttered or broken ground, or where the variation of surface is 11-30° up or down. Includes climbing onto or off furniture, a platform or a short ledge where the angle of ascent does not exceed 30°. Steep climbs of 31-50° require 3 AP per hex. Sharp climbs of 51-80° require 4 AP. Treat slopes greater than 80° degrees as climbing.

Search a back pack

3 to 10 AP. Includes opening the pack, then digging through the contents in search of a specific object. Anything that would be obvious, due to its size and nature, being any object as long as the pack itself (about 15 in.) would be found at a cost of 3 AP. This is likewise if the pack is ¾ empty. Fist-sized objects in a half-full pack would be found at a cost of 3-5 AP. Smaller items require a cost of 3-10 AP (2d4+2). Since the time of searches only matters during combat, some of the time required reflects the stress the character would feel under those conditions.

Search a saddle bag

2 to 4 AP. Includes opening the bag and committing it to a similar search as that of the back pack, above. In the case that an animal will have two saddle bags, the character should make a wisdom check to see if they remember which bag the sought object would be in. A failed check will mean a loss of 4 AP in searching the wrong bag.

Sheathe weapon into back scabbard

3 AP. Describes the time needed regardless of the weight or nature of the weapon. The scabbard must, of course, be designed for the specific weapon in question.

Sheathe weapon into belt scabbard

2 AP. As with the back scabbard, the point cost applies to weapons of any weight or nature.

Sling shield/bow over shoulder

2 AP. Describes cost to lift the weapon up and onto the character's back or across the character's shoulders. The also applies to a bow, if the weapon is strung. Sheathing an unstrung bow into a back scabbard costs 3 AP. To sling the shield over a character's shoulder, the character's shoulder belt must include a shield hook. Does not include the time needed to free a shield from the character's arm.

Speak or call instructions

1 AP. The number of words that can be spoken for the cost indicated is four; a sentence of 5-8 words would require 2 AP; 9-12 words would require 3 AP and so on. Alternately, DM's may use a time piece to measure the amount of speech that can be said in the time period reckoned, but in such cases the speech should be made loud enough to be heard over the sound of battle, or across distances, if those circumstances apply.

Speaking can be performed while taking other actions, so long as the character is not drinking, eating or spellcasting. No other actions may be taken if the party is attempting to parley with an enemy.


1 round. 1st and 2nd level spells usually require 1 full round to cast; as spells increase in power, they take more rounds. Some spells, specifically not designed for battle, may take much longer. Most cantrips require only a few action points to cast.

Stand from prone position

2 AP. Describes jumping up from laying on either the front or the back. Does not include the time needed to awake. While prone, characters are limited to using one-handed weapons until returning to a standing position.

Stand from seated position

1 AP. Upon standing, characters may subtract 1 AP from the time needed to draw weapons, as this can be done simultaneously. This includes using found objects as weapons.

Strap shield to arm

10 AP. Compare with the time necessary to armour the body. Strapping the shield in place can be aided by one other person, reducing the total cost to 7 AP.

String a bow

3 AP. Assumes that both string and bow are already in hand. Characters who possess a total of 5 AP can string the bow and load it without aiming in one round.

Grappling Hook.jpg
Throw grapple

5 AP. Describes the time necessary to ready the grapple, swinging it for momentum, hurling it outwards and testing the resistance of the grapple by pulling the rope taut. A failure requires the same amount of time.

Throw aimed object

2 AP. Similar to attacking with weapon, includes throwing a magic stone, a rock, hurled missile or object intended for another individual to catch.

Touch a friendly creature

1 AP. Includes attempts to deliver the effects of a spell, such as bless or cure light wounds, to a recipient, one who is willing to be touched. If both persons are able to move towards each other, the characters may be counted as touching though they remain in adjacent combat hexes (they are presumed to move close enough to each other to reach. To touch a prone or unconscious person, the character attempting to touch must move into the target's hex.

Touch an unfriendly creature

2 AP. Describes any attempt to deliver the effects of a spell or actively attempt to affect an unwilling enemy by physical contact, such as spells like shocking grasp or cause light wounds. Such attempts are treated in action point costs as attacking with a weapon. Intelligent creatures will recognize what's being attempted and will often give ground to avoid receiving an unknown spell's effect, increasing the AP cost.

Unsling back pack

5 AP. Describes the time necessary to loosen the shoulder straps of a back pack and drop it from a combatant's shoulders. Often used prior to combat or as a preliminary to searching a back pack.

Unsling shield & make ready

3 AP. Describes the time needed to lift a shield from the combatant's back, where it hangs on a shield hook, and ready it in hand. Does not include the time necessary to strap the shield to the combatant's arm.