Borderland Farms (RWG)

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Borderland farm are randomly generated 6-mile hex environments are occupied hinterland landscapes that exist within a given range type, which occasionally include elements of that range's wilderness. Hexes with borderland farms feature individual homesteads who have ploughed between 15 and 30 acres of farmland, while making the most of the surrounding hinterland for game and foraging.


Typically, these farms are mere hovels, though occasionally they may feature a barn also. Each is built alongside a river, stream or creek, with the last indicated in hexes that have not yet randomly generated a waterway. Farms are laid out at ¾-mile distances from one another and is occupied by 3 to 6 persons. The number of farms within a 6-mile hex is 2d4+10 (12-18). If a river or stream has insufficient length to accommodate the number indicated, a creek needs to be invented which the remaining farms would follow. Randomly determine the location of the first "domain hex" from which the remaining farms proliferate. 1 in 4 farmsteads include a barn, the rest possessing only hovels.

Farms are joined together, at minimum, with footpaths which must inevitably connect with a civilised hex that contains a village. A roll is made to determine if there are any better routes in the hex.


For the most part, the occupants of each farm are liable to be commoners, possessing the necessary sage abilities to ensure their survival in this kind of work, but being non-levelled persons. They are happy to barter fruits, cereals or vegetables with outsiders, and may be assumed to grant one day's food to outsiders as a blessing, as well as a single night's stay in their barn (if they have one), for the value of a single copper piece per person (a gewgaw might pay for 0 to 3 persons).

1 in 6 commoners, usually the head of each farm, is hardened. Should a game party wish to recruit persons for whatever purpose from a single farmstead, there is only a 4% chance (per farm) that there will be a hardened member of the group or family that is both of age to accept, and has the desire to do so. The chance of this determined person actually being levelled is only 6%, and must be assumed to be 1st level, having returned to his or her family immediately after their training as a levelled person has been completed.