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Species hemitheioc
No. Appearing 1
Behaviour servant
Range astral
Size 12 ft. tall
Weight 1,400 lbs.
Intelligence 11
Armour Class 2
Hit Dice 10
Action Points 6
Max. Stride 14
THAC0 15
Hp/Die d12
Attack Forms sword
Damage 3–24
Special Attacks create illusion, enlarge, gaseous
, immune to fire, invisibility,
polymorph, produce flame,
pyrotechnics, wall of fire,

Efreeti, also ifrit, efreet or affreet, are supernatural beings associated with djinni, but efreeti are described within Islamic texts as "rebellious" among that number. Efreeti dwell in the City of Brass, in the Land of Jahannam upon the rim of the Plane of Gehenna, separated from Hades by the River Phlegethon. In appearance they are an enormous horned creature, either male or female, with a body comprised of smoke and fire. They are powerful, formidable beings who despise humanoid races and fear the power of Allah and the Angels. The gate between Gehenna and the Astral Plane is defended by the Archangel Gabriel.



Generally ruthless and wicked, efreeti live in tribal groups that compete viciously for control over Jahannam, the opportunity to punish the deserving and for personal status among their peers.

Blood feuds between tribes of efreeti have continued for millennia, with defeated individuals condemned to centuries of servitude before they're able to re-incorporate and take their place in the tribe once again. Thus conflict and hatred are unrelenting among their number.

Because they are imprisoned in their lands, an efreeti can be encountered elsewhere only through being summoned by means of dweomercraft or a magical device.

This is commonly done in order to receive a single wish from the efreeti in exchange for letting it loose upon the Prime Material Plane. This is the solitary price the efreeti asks a conjurer.

Once the efreeti is free, the efreeti takes great pains to avoid detection for as long as it can, while visiting its resentment upon devout Moslems, setting brother against brother and committing other forms of similar wickedness. This always leads to the banishment of the efreeti either by Earthly forces, or through the interventions of angels and archangels.

The invocation of an efreeti is a form of black magic and is considered sacrilege among many faiths. Often such a person is hunted down and punished, despite what they may have received from the efreeti, for the act of releasing the being on the world.


An efreeti cannot grant it's own wish; it can only satisfy the wishes of others. However, among its abilities, it is able to perform the following at will:

See Bestiary