Shield (armour)

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There are three basic shield types employed in my game at this time: the large shield, the small shield and the wooden shield. Large shields and small shields employ a metal framework overlaid on top of the core wooden frame of the shield. Wooden shields are made only of wood. When using shields, druids are able to only employ wooden shields.


Large shields are quite big, typically three feet in diameter and anywhere from three to five feet tall. They offer a +3 armour class when used against hurled or fired weapons, if the character says beforehand, "I hide behind my shield." This implies the character takes no other action that round. Otherwise, large shields give +1 to armour class. Although they are large, they are also cumbersome and slow to deflect attacks.

Small shields are more flexible and thus they give the same +1 bonus to armour class as large shields. They are typically round, about two feet in diameter and lighter. Hiding behind a small shield will not give a special bonus against hurled or fired weapons.

Wooden shields, also called small wooden shields, are like small shields except that they lack a metal strengthening and are thus more likely to break.


Shields may not be used with two-handed weapons of any kind.

When used, shields must be strapped to the arm ahead of time. If a shield is used without strapping it in place, or a blow against the shield (missing by 1 point on a roll to hit) will knock the shield out of the wearer's hand (see fumbles for where the shield falls). An unstrapped shield will also automatically be assumed to be knocked from the combatant's hand the first time that he or she is stunned.

Shields will not protect the combatant if the combatant is attacked from behind or on the flank opposite the shield side. Though it will protect the combatant on the shield side flank. Thus, the shield being held on the left, it protects the left flank but not the right. When attacked on the right flank or from the rear, the combatant's shield is not included in calculating armour class. Normal flank and rear attack bonuses apply whether the shield protects or not.

Shields which are broken or ruined by failing their item saving throws will reduce AC by 2 points if they are not unstrapped.

See Armour List