Frog (large poisonous)
Species | amphibian (beelzebufo erinyes) |
No. Appearing | 2–12 |
Behaviour | presocial |
Range | rainforest, wetland |
Size | 30 in. at head |
Weight | 45–55 lbs. |
Intelligence | 0 |
Armour Class | 6 |
Hit Dice | 2 |
Action Points | 3 |
Max. Stride | {{{stride}}} |
THAC0 | 20 |
Hp/Die | d4 |
Attack Forms | head butt |
Damage | 2–5 |
Special Attacks | hop, poison |
Though an unusual breed of large frog, these large frogs are noted for their teeth and the toxin that they secrete from their skin. There are several variants of these frogs, ranging in colour from green-brown as shown here to bright yellow, green or orange. Some have striations throughout their skin. They inhabit thickly overgrown areas and prey upon small creatures that move through the underbrush. They are slightly smaller than their large frog cousins, tougher skinned and more nimble.
They dwell along the edges of ponds (the littoral), preferring a depth of water that will allow them to be largely submerged, while keeping their eyes above the surface. In this manner, they will wait for long periods for prey to pass close by. Despite their teeth, they prefer to attack by hopping, then butting their hard leather heads against an enemy.
Though the large poisonous frog can scamper fairly well through brush, it prefers to expend 1 of its action points (AP) to hop a distance of 15 feet, or three combat hexes. This hop can occur at any time of its movement. Its attack depends upon its hop; so every other round, it will hop away and then use its remaining movement before turning again to attack. The frog will always fight to the death.
The creature will always attack during its hop, throwing its head against its opponent for damage and to smear poison from its skin against the enemy. Those hit by the frog must make a saving throw against poison; if successful, the defender will only suffer 0–2 damage the following round (whether or not the frog is dead). If, however, the throw fails, then the defender will take 4 damage each round for two full rounds (a total of 8 damage).
The poison in this case is rueful and can be gathered from a live subject by any who possess an authority sage ability in Poisoning. Typically, the large poisonous frog is captured, then put to sleep so that the poison can be milked. To produce one vial usually takes a week of milking each day.
See also,
Amphibians & Reptiles (sage study)