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'''Demonic possession''' is a [[Natural Ability|natural ability]] similar to the spell [[Magic Jar (spell)|magic jar]].  The demon assumes control over the host body and thereafter determines the actions of a creature until such time as the demon abandond the body or is forced out through the spells [[Exorcise (spell)|exorcise]] or [[Abjure (spell)|abjure]].  Most [[Demon|demons]] possess this ability.
[[File:Demonic Possession.jpg|right|525px|thumb]]
'''Demonic possession''' is a [[Natural Abilities|natural ability]] similar to the spell [[Magic Jar (spell)|magic jar]].  At will, the [[Demon|demon]] takes over the host's body and dictates its actions until the demon either leaves voluntarily or is evicted by spells such as "[[Exorcism (spell)|exorcism]]" or "[[Abjure (spell)|abjure]]." This capability is inherent in most demons.
Before a demon can successfully inhabit a being, the potential host has the chance to resist through a [[Saving Throws|saving throw against paralysis]].  A successful saving throw means the host can fend off the possession.
Before the demon can succeed in possessing its object, the would-be host is entitled to a [[Saving Throws|saving throw]] against [[Paralysation|paralysation]].  Success enables the host resist the possessionNormally, demons like to choose hosts possessing a low [[Wisdom (ability stat)|wisdom]], which gives penalties to the saving throw if low enough.  Rarely do demons choose robust or highly intelligent beings.  For them, any body will do.  This sometimes means that an individual lacking in wisdom or [[Intelligence (ability stat)|intelligence]] will begin acting out of character, which is often taken as a sign of possession (even when it is not).
The concept of demonic possession exists in many cultures worldwide, but the specifics differSome belief systems make a distinction between demonic oppression (where an individual is influenced or tormented by a demon but not directly controlled) and possession (where the demon has full control over the individual).  Throughout history, there have been numerous documented cases of demonic possession.  
As well, since a demon will also take possession of an unhealthy or dying body, which then quickly recuperates and becomes "well," some will often assume that anyone who recovers from a disease in this manner must therefore be possessed.  It is common for fanatical sects, resistant to reason or empathy, to burn "witches" under the certainty that these are persons possessed by demons, though it is more common that these poor wretches are innocent.
== Vulnerable Hosts ==
Naturally, demons prefer hosts with limited [[Wisdom (ability stat)|wisdom]], as a low wisdom score might impose penalties to the saving throw.  It's infrequent for demons to target extraodinarily wise or [[Intelligence (ability stat)|intellectually]] superior beings.  Someone with a limited wisdom or intelligence is less likely to be noticed if they exhibit unusual behaviour, aiding in the demon's possession being successful.
A demonic possession will be revealed by the spell [[Penetrate Disguise (spell)|penetrate disguise]], though it is often believed that some demons are able to evade this spell and make it appear that the host is not possessed.
Additionally, a demon might inhabit an ailing or near-death body, which then miraculously recovers.  This has led some to assume that any sudden recovery from illness implies demonic possession.  This can lead to persecution and occasionally [[Execution (sage ability)|execution]], as some cultures believe that burning at the stake frees the possessed soul and drives off the demon.
== Detection ==
The spells [[Penetrate Disguise (spell)|penetrate disguise]] and [[True Seeing (spell)|true seeing]] can unveil the possession.  Still, there are many who believe certain demons can elude this spell, making it appear as though the host is completely normal.  Those with knowledge in [[Divination (sage study)|divination]] and [[Dweomercraft (sage study)|dweomercraft]] have means of detecting the presence of demons also.
See Also,<br>
[[Apothecary (vendor)]]<br>
See also,<br>
[[Bloodletting (sage ability)]]<br>
[[Bloodletting (sage ability)]]<br>
[[Category: Lacks Image]]
[[Category: Reviewed]]

Latest revision as of 14:57, 12 March 2025

Demonic Possession.jpg

Demonic possession is a natural ability similar to the spell magic jar. At will, the demon takes over the host's body and dictates its actions until the demon either leaves voluntarily or is evicted by spells such as "exorcism" or "abjure." This capability is inherent in most demons.

Before a demon can successfully inhabit a being, the potential host has the chance to resist through a saving throw against paralysis. A successful saving throw means the host can fend off the possession.

The concept of demonic possession exists in many cultures worldwide, but the specifics differ. Some belief systems make a distinction between demonic oppression (where an individual is influenced or tormented by a demon but not directly controlled) and possession (where the demon has full control over the individual). Throughout history, there have been numerous documented cases of demonic possession.

Vulnerable Hosts

Naturally, demons prefer hosts with limited wisdom, as a low wisdom score might impose penalties to the saving throw. It's infrequent for demons to target extraodinarily wise or intellectually superior beings. Someone with a limited wisdom or intelligence is less likely to be noticed if they exhibit unusual behaviour, aiding in the demon's possession being successful.

Additionally, a demon might inhabit an ailing or near-death body, which then miraculously recovers. This has led some to assume that any sudden recovery from illness implies demonic possession. This can lead to persecution and occasionally execution, as some cultures believe that burning at the stake frees the possessed soul and drives off the demon.


The spells penetrate disguise and true seeing can unveil the possession. Still, there are many who believe certain demons can elude this spell, making it appear as though the host is completely normal. Those with knowledge in divination and dweomercraft have means of detecting the presence of demons also.

See also,
Bloodletting (sage ability)