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'''Dog training''' is a [[Sage Study|sage study]] in the [[Sage Field|field]] of [[Animal Training (sage field)|Animal Training]], encompassing a wide array of abilities essential for working with canines both as loyal companions and as functional partners in specialized tasks. This study requires expertise in numerous areas, including the domestication of wild dogs and wolves, training for hunting techniques, and conditioning for protection and guarding roles. Trainers develop a deep understanding of canine behaviour and psychology, allowing them to foster strong, cooperative relationships with the animals under their care.
Dog training involves teaching canines to perform a variety of tasks, such as assisting in prey capture, developing tracking skills, and honing sheep-herding proficiency. Additionally, it covers training dogs to respond obediently to verbal commands and signals, enabling them to attack on command or defend their handlers. Dogs may also be trained for scouting duties, search and rescue operations, and scent detection, with specific emphasis on identifying substances such as narcotics, explosives, or missing persons. These skills make trained dogs invaluable in diverse settings, from domestic households to law enforcement, military operations, and wilderness expeditions.
Skill at dog training covers the use of dogs as hunters, herders and trackers, as well as combatants in war, with additional skills in managing packs of dogs (especially as dog sled teams), administering to their health, breeding and recognition of breeding and a knowledge of special training techniques, enabling the learning of skills and tricks.
In addition to practical skills, dog training includes efforts to improve the physical capabilities and intelligence of dogs through selective breeding and tailored training programs. Trainers work to develop canines with enhanced endurance, agility, and sensory perception, ensuring their suitability for demanding roles. For example, some breeds are specifically conditioned for guarding, tracking, or scent detection, while others are trained for therapy or assistance roles, aiding individuals with disabilities.
Like horses, dogs are classified according to their primary form or function, based on size, physical ability and training. Their predatory nature makes them well suited for combat, hunting and herding, with the largest breeds most often chosen for these purposes. Some hunting and all racing dogs are bred for their leanness and speed. Bird and rodent dogs are bred for scenting capability and size (smaller, so they can fit into tight spaces in search of their quarry). Among the nobility and upper classes, certain breeds are favored for purely aesthetic characteristics.
Successful dog training requires patience, consistency, and a thorough understanding of canine instincts and communication. Trainers employ positive reinforcement techniques to encourage desired behaviours and discourage negative ones, building trust and respect between dog and handler. Advanced trainers may also specialize in working with particular breeds or addressing behavioural challenges, such as aggression, anxiety, or disobedience.
In most cases, a dog can be described by its primary function
This comprehensive skill set allows individuals engaged in dog training to effectively nurture and utilize canines across a wide range of environments and tasks, highlighting the versatility and intelligence of these remarkable animals.
* companion dogs (low energy): bred by the societal elite; kept for their aesthetic appeal and social status
* herd dogs (high energy): bred to control large herds of domestic animals; kept for their energy and pack mentality
* hound dogs (medium energy): bred to track and hunt large game; kept for their ability to sight or scent prey and run it to ground
* sporting dogs (medium energy): bred to chase, catch and retrieve small game; kept for their ability to execute complex tasks
* terrier dogs (high energy): bred to chase and kill rodents or pests; kept for their ability to outsmart and outrun the smallest prey
* working dogs (medium energy): bred to guard people, pull carts or sleds, or fight in battle; kept for their extreme loyalty and willingness to follow commands
A dog’s total movement is typically 6 AP. It should be noted that some dogs will be slightly faster or somewhat slower, with bonus AP potentially measured in fractions of 1/2, 1/3 or 1/6. This offers some question as to a dog’s potential to win or fail to win races, when trained.
== Sage Abilities ==
The [[Sage Ability|sage abilities]] below are those acquired by a character through the study, according to status.
For game purposes and random rolls, a dog’s Intelligence is judged to be 3-4; their Strength, 2d4 +4; their Dexterity, 2d6 +6. A dog’s size will greatly impact its Strength and Dexterity; 30lbs and smaller receive -3 Strength and +2 Dexterity; 31 to 60lbs, -1 Strength and +1 Dexterity; 61 to 90lbs, +1 Strength; 91 to 120lbs, +2 Strength and -1 Dexterity; 121 to 150lbs, +3 Strength and -2 Dexterity; and 151lbs and larger receive +4 Strength and -3 Dexterity.
=== Amateur Status ===
:* '''[[Canine Handling I (sage ability)|Canine Handling I]]''': provides foundational knowledge on the training, management and utilisation of dogs across three primary roles: companionship, working and warfare. Characters gain insights into the behavioural characteristics of different breeds and species, allowing for more effective training and handling. The ability includes notes on the specific advantages and potential enhancements available when working with dogs tailored to these roles. For example, companionship dogs are trained for loyalty and obedience, working dogs are conditioned for specialised tasks like herding or search and rescue, and war dogs are prepared for combat scenarios, including attacking on command and guarding critical locations.
Amateur Skills
:* '''[[Dog Feeding & Diet (sage ability)|Dog Feeding & Diet]]''': equips the character with comprehensive knowledge of canine nutrition, focusing on what dogs eat, how much they require and how to adapt their diets to meet specific needs. It includes understanding the dietary requirements for different life stages, from puppies to senior dogs, as well as adjustments for varying levels of activity, health conditions and working roles. Additionally, this ability enables the character to identify signs of malnutrition or overfeeding and to prepare or select appropriate foods that promote optimal physical performance and longevity, ensuring the health and effectiveness of the dogs under their care.
Domesticate I: Subduing and training young animals upon reaching maturity, or mastering wild animals that are naturally able to be domesticated, making them serviceable as working animals. Inherent is the teaching of various behaviors that will make the animal manageable by experienced characters for everyday use, specifically as herding or hunting animals. This includes situations where the animal is to be harnessed to a vehicle and driven.
:* '''[[Domesticate Dogs (sage ability)|Domesticate Dogs]]''': This ability imparts expertise in raising puppies to full maturity and transforming feral or wild dogs into reliable, tame animals. It includes knowledge of techniques to build trust, establish dominance and condition behaviour in a way that aligns with the needs of the handler. For puppies, this ability covers nurturing practices, early training routines and socialization skills to produce well-adjusted adult dogs. For feral and wild dogs, it involves strategies for overcoming fear, aggression or independence, gradually acclimating them to human interaction and obedience.
Domestication does not include training the animal to be a war animal, to perform difficult jobs (such as the complex task of retrieval) or to race in competitions. These are more complex tasks that require additional skill to manage.
=== Authority Status ===
:* '''[[Canine Handling II (sage ability)|Canine Handling II]]''': builds upon the foundational skills of [[Canine Handling I (sage ability)|Canine Handling I]], granting the character refined control over a dog's behaviour in combat scenarios. It provides expertise in directing a dog's specific form of attack, such as targeting vital areas or engaging multiple enemies. Additionally, it enhances the handler's ability to manage the dog's behaviour under the stress and chaos of battle conditions, ensuring that the animal remains focused, disciplined and effective throughout the engagement.
When a dog is domesticated and not trained for war, it may be considered a herd, hound or sporting dog depending on its breed.
:* '''[[Dog Physiology (sage ability)|Dog Physiology]]''': provides comprehensive knowledge of a dog's physical and biological systems, enabling the character to maintain and restore canine health. It includes understanding common ailments, injuries and diseases that affect dogs, as well as their symptoms and treatments. The character is equipped with the skills to perform basic medical procedures, such as cleaning wounds, setting bones and treating infections. Additionally, it includes preventative care techniques, such as maintaining proper grooming, managing exercise routines.
To rear a young pup, a handler must spend at least four hours out of every day with the dog. This time may be divided between playing, feeding, petting, following or just casual interaction, such as while performing some other task. During this time, the animal may be taught simple tricks (see below), including its name. The full span of time necessary to rear a pup is based on the dog's size (smaller breeds tend to reach full maturity faster) and goes between 8 and 16 months.
:* '''[[Truffle Dog (sage ability)|Truffle Dog]]''': allows the character to train a dog — or alternatively, a swine — to hunt and root out valuable truffles. Training involves conditioning the animal to recognize the scent of truffles and to dig carefully without damaging the prize. The character must also possess the [[Mushroom Hunt (sage ability)|mushroom hunt]] ability, as this knowledge is necessary for identifying truffle habitats and ensuring a productive search.  
If a handler acquires a full-grown dog and wants to establish dominance (necessary for training purposes), he must spend a similar span of time: at least four hours a day for a minimum of 4 months. The handler can teach the animal tricks and tasks (as below) during this time.
:* '''[[War Dog Training (sage ability)|War Dog Training]]''': imparts the knowledge and techniques necessary to transform ordinary dogs into disciplined and effective war dogs. It includes foundational training in combat readiness, such as conditioning the dog to withstand loud noises, chaos and physical stress. The character learns to train dogs to attack on command, defend specific targets and hold their ground in the face of danger. This ability also covers basic protective equipment for war dogs, such as padded armour, to increase their survivability in battle. War Dog Training ensures that even a non-combatant dog can be equipped with the skills and temperament necessary to serve effectively on the battlefield.
Domestication of a wild animal follows the same requirements ~ four hours a day spent interacting with the dog ~ but it's a minimum of 12 months before the dog is considered tame. (This tameness applies only to the handler and his immediate companions; the dog is still very much wild with regard to other persons and animals.)
=== Expert Status ===
:* '''[[Canine Grip (sage ability)|Canine Grip]]''': provides the expertise necessary to control and direct two or more dogs simultaneously during combat. The character learns to manage the coordination of multiple dogs, issuing precise commands to ensure they act in unison or independently as needed. This skill is particularly valuable in tactical situations where multiple dogs are used to overwhelm or outmaneuver opponents. Canine Grip also enhances the handler's ability to maintain control in chaotic battle conditions, ensuring that all dogs remain focused and effective.
Feeding & Diet: Given that in most cases, an animal cannot be easily weighed in a fantasy setting, we must assume that characters cannot simply “know” the weight of an animal and thus automatically ascribe a diet based on this. Therefore, it requires an experienced character who has studied animals to have a reasonable understanding of what sustenance they require.
:* '''[[Dire Handling (sage ability)|Dire Handling]]''': grants the character the knowledge and skill required to train and manage dire wolves as loyal companions. Dire wolves, being larger and more aggressive than ordinary dogs, require specialized techniques to establish trust, obedience and discipline. Dire Handling allows the character to harness the immense power and predatory instincts of these formidable creatures while maintaining control.
Each breed tends to favor an energy output. Companion dogs are low-energy, having no other function than satisfying the emotional needs of their owners. Hound, sporting and working dogs require more energy but mostly in short bursts or with greater periods of rest in between. Herd and terrier dogs require high-levels of energy to perform their primary function.
:* '''[[Dog Breeding (sage ability)|Dog Breeding]]''': enables the character to selectively breed dogs with superior physical attributes, temperament, health, size and intelligence to produce high-quality bloodlines. By understanding canine genetics, the character can refine traits that enhance the dogs' performance in specific roles, such as herding, hunting, guarding or companionship. Dog Breeding also includes knowledge of maintaining the health of breeding stock, preventing hereditary diseases and managing the care of puppies to ensure their development into exceptional animals.
Dogs are typically given scraps and spare animal parts at every meal.
:* '''[[Dog Whispering (sage ability)|Dog Whispering]]''': facilitates silent, near-invisible communication with dogs through subtle cues, gestures and body language. By mastering this skill, the character can foster a deep partnership with their canine companion, enabling the dog to respond as though guided by instinct or telepathy. Dog Whispering is invaluable in situations requiring stealth or subtlety, as it eliminates the need for audible commands that might alert enemies.
Being omnivorous, dogs can subsist on a variety of foods. Larger dogs typically require more meat to maintain their health and overall mass. The amount a dog will eat depends on its size and its energy output, with a minimum protein requirement (given as a percentage of overall body weight):
=== Sage Status ===
:* '''[[Enhanced Canine (sage ability)|Enhanced Canine]]''': grants the knowledge and techniques to train dogs in developing heightened agility and reflexes, pushing their physical capabilities to extraordinary levels. Dogs trained under this ability can perform feats that border on the supernatural, such as leaping great distances, twisting mid-air to avoid attacks or navigating treacherous terrain with unmatched grace. The skill includes conditioning the animal to respond with precision to commands requiring complex manoeuvres, such as dodging incoming projectiles, scaling walls or maintaining balance on narrow or unstable surfaces.
{| class="wikitable"
*: '''[[Ride Canine (sage ability)|Ride Canine]]''': permits the character to train and ride dire wolves or worgs as mounts, provided the character's size falls within the creature's physical capacity. If the character is too large for typical specimens, the ability includes knowledge of how to breed larger dire wolves or worgs capable of bearing the rider's weight. Ride Canine also encompasses the skills needed to safely mount, dismount and control these creatures during travel or combat, ensuring the rider and mount act as a cohesive unit.
!  !! low energy !! medium energy !! high energy
| 35lbs and below || 1% forage, 1% protein || 1-1/2% forage, 1-1/2% protein || 2% forage, 2% protein
| 36 to 70lbs || 2% forage, 1% protein || 3% forage, 1-1/2% protein || 4% forage, 2% protein
| 71lbs and above || 2% forage, 2% protein || 3% forage, 3% protein || 4% forage, 4% protein
:* '''[[Unearthly Nose (sage ability)|Unearthly Nose]]''': empowers a dog to detect traces left by unnatural or supernatural creatures, uncovering threats beyond the ordinary. Trained dogs can identify the faintest signs of such beings, including undead, extraplanar entities or magical constructs. The skill also provides the dog with a limited capacity to sense invisible creatures by detecting disturbances in the environment, such as faint scents, vibrations or displaced air.
See Also,<br>
:* '''[[Worg Handling (sage ability)|Worg Handling]]''': allows the character to train and manage worgs as loyal companions. Worgs, known for their cunning and ferocity, require specialized techniques to build trust and discipline. Worg Handling ensures the character can harness these creatures' natural strength and intelligence while minimizing the risk of disobedience or aggression.
[[Assassin Sage Abilities|Assassin's Sage Abilities]]<br>
See also,<br>
[[Assassin Sage Abilities]]<br>
[[Fighter Sage Abilities]]<br>
[[Fighter Sage Abilities]]<br>
[[Paladin Sage Abilities]]<br>
[[Paladin Sage Abilities]]<br>
[[Ranger Sage Abilities]]
[[Ranger Sage Abilities]]
[[Category: Reviewed]]

Latest revision as of 17:52, 9 March 2025


Dog training is a sage study in the field of Animal Training, encompassing a wide array of abilities essential for working with canines both as loyal companions and as functional partners in specialized tasks. This study requires expertise in numerous areas, including the domestication of wild dogs and wolves, training for hunting techniques, and conditioning for protection and guarding roles. Trainers develop a deep understanding of canine behaviour and psychology, allowing them to foster strong, cooperative relationships with the animals under their care.

Dog training involves teaching canines to perform a variety of tasks, such as assisting in prey capture, developing tracking skills, and honing sheep-herding proficiency. Additionally, it covers training dogs to respond obediently to verbal commands and signals, enabling them to attack on command or defend their handlers. Dogs may also be trained for scouting duties, search and rescue operations, and scent detection, with specific emphasis on identifying substances such as narcotics, explosives, or missing persons. These skills make trained dogs invaluable in diverse settings, from domestic households to law enforcement, military operations, and wilderness expeditions.

In addition to practical skills, dog training includes efforts to improve the physical capabilities and intelligence of dogs through selective breeding and tailored training programs. Trainers work to develop canines with enhanced endurance, agility, and sensory perception, ensuring their suitability for demanding roles. For example, some breeds are specifically conditioned for guarding, tracking, or scent detection, while others are trained for therapy or assistance roles, aiding individuals with disabilities.

Successful dog training requires patience, consistency, and a thorough understanding of canine instincts and communication. Trainers employ positive reinforcement techniques to encourage desired behaviours and discourage negative ones, building trust and respect between dog and handler. Advanced trainers may also specialize in working with particular breeds or addressing behavioural challenges, such as aggression, anxiety, or disobedience.

This comprehensive skill set allows individuals engaged in dog training to effectively nurture and utilize canines across a wide range of environments and tasks, highlighting the versatility and intelligence of these remarkable animals.

Sage Abilities

The sage abilities below are those acquired by a character through the study, according to status.

Amateur Status

  • Canine Handling I: provides foundational knowledge on the training, management and utilisation of dogs across three primary roles: companionship, working and warfare. Characters gain insights into the behavioural characteristics of different breeds and species, allowing for more effective training and handling. The ability includes notes on the specific advantages and potential enhancements available when working with dogs tailored to these roles. For example, companionship dogs are trained for loyalty and obedience, working dogs are conditioned for specialised tasks like herding or search and rescue, and war dogs are prepared for combat scenarios, including attacking on command and guarding critical locations.
  • Dog Feeding & Diet: equips the character with comprehensive knowledge of canine nutrition, focusing on what dogs eat, how much they require and how to adapt their diets to meet specific needs. It includes understanding the dietary requirements for different life stages, from puppies to senior dogs, as well as adjustments for varying levels of activity, health conditions and working roles. Additionally, this ability enables the character to identify signs of malnutrition or overfeeding and to prepare or select appropriate foods that promote optimal physical performance and longevity, ensuring the health and effectiveness of the dogs under their care.
  • Domesticate Dogs: This ability imparts expertise in raising puppies to full maturity and transforming feral or wild dogs into reliable, tame animals. It includes knowledge of techniques to build trust, establish dominance and condition behaviour in a way that aligns with the needs of the handler. For puppies, this ability covers nurturing practices, early training routines and socialization skills to produce well-adjusted adult dogs. For feral and wild dogs, it involves strategies for overcoming fear, aggression or independence, gradually acclimating them to human interaction and obedience.

Authority Status

  • Canine Handling II: builds upon the foundational skills of Canine Handling I, granting the character refined control over a dog's behaviour in combat scenarios. It provides expertise in directing a dog's specific form of attack, such as targeting vital areas or engaging multiple enemies. Additionally, it enhances the handler's ability to manage the dog's behaviour under the stress and chaos of battle conditions, ensuring that the animal remains focused, disciplined and effective throughout the engagement.
  • Dog Physiology: provides comprehensive knowledge of a dog's physical and biological systems, enabling the character to maintain and restore canine health. It includes understanding common ailments, injuries and diseases that affect dogs, as well as their symptoms and treatments. The character is equipped with the skills to perform basic medical procedures, such as cleaning wounds, setting bones and treating infections. Additionally, it includes preventative care techniques, such as maintaining proper grooming, managing exercise routines.
  • Truffle Dog: allows the character to train a dog — or alternatively, a swine — to hunt and root out valuable truffles. Training involves conditioning the animal to recognize the scent of truffles and to dig carefully without damaging the prize. The character must also possess the mushroom hunt ability, as this knowledge is necessary for identifying truffle habitats and ensuring a productive search.
  • War Dog Training: imparts the knowledge and techniques necessary to transform ordinary dogs into disciplined and effective war dogs. It includes foundational training in combat readiness, such as conditioning the dog to withstand loud noises, chaos and physical stress. The character learns to train dogs to attack on command, defend specific targets and hold their ground in the face of danger. This ability also covers basic protective equipment for war dogs, such as padded armour, to increase their survivability in battle. War Dog Training ensures that even a non-combatant dog can be equipped with the skills and temperament necessary to serve effectively on the battlefield.

Expert Status

  • Canine Grip: provides the expertise necessary to control and direct two or more dogs simultaneously during combat. The character learns to manage the coordination of multiple dogs, issuing precise commands to ensure they act in unison or independently as needed. This skill is particularly valuable in tactical situations where multiple dogs are used to overwhelm or outmaneuver opponents. Canine Grip also enhances the handler's ability to maintain control in chaotic battle conditions, ensuring that all dogs remain focused and effective.
  • Dire Handling: grants the character the knowledge and skill required to train and manage dire wolves as loyal companions. Dire wolves, being larger and more aggressive than ordinary dogs, require specialized techniques to establish trust, obedience and discipline. Dire Handling allows the character to harness the immense power and predatory instincts of these formidable creatures while maintaining control.
  • Dog Breeding: enables the character to selectively breed dogs with superior physical attributes, temperament, health, size and intelligence to produce high-quality bloodlines. By understanding canine genetics, the character can refine traits that enhance the dogs' performance in specific roles, such as herding, hunting, guarding or companionship. Dog Breeding also includes knowledge of maintaining the health of breeding stock, preventing hereditary diseases and managing the care of puppies to ensure their development into exceptional animals.
  • Dog Whispering: facilitates silent, near-invisible communication with dogs through subtle cues, gestures and body language. By mastering this skill, the character can foster a deep partnership with their canine companion, enabling the dog to respond as though guided by instinct or telepathy. Dog Whispering is invaluable in situations requiring stealth or subtlety, as it eliminates the need for audible commands that might alert enemies.

Sage Status

  • Enhanced Canine: grants the knowledge and techniques to train dogs in developing heightened agility and reflexes, pushing their physical capabilities to extraordinary levels. Dogs trained under this ability can perform feats that border on the supernatural, such as leaping great distances, twisting mid-air to avoid attacks or navigating treacherous terrain with unmatched grace. The skill includes conditioning the animal to respond with precision to commands requiring complex manoeuvres, such as dodging incoming projectiles, scaling walls or maintaining balance on narrow or unstable surfaces.
  • Ride Canine: permits the character to train and ride dire wolves or worgs as mounts, provided the character's size falls within the creature's physical capacity. If the character is too large for typical specimens, the ability includes knowledge of how to breed larger dire wolves or worgs capable of bearing the rider's weight. Ride Canine also encompasses the skills needed to safely mount, dismount and control these creatures during travel or combat, ensuring the rider and mount act as a cohesive unit.
  • Unearthly Nose: empowers a dog to detect traces left by unnatural or supernatural creatures, uncovering threats beyond the ordinary. Trained dogs can identify the faintest signs of such beings, including undead, extraplanar entities or magical constructs. The skill also provides the dog with a limited capacity to sense invisible creatures by detecting disturbances in the environment, such as faint scents, vibrations or displaced air.
  • Worg Handling: allows the character to train and manage worgs as loyal companions. Worgs, known for their cunning and ferocity, require specialized techniques to build trust and discipline. Worg Handling ensures the character can harness these creatures' natural strength and intelligence while minimizing the risk of disobedience or aggression.

See also,
Assassin Sage Abilities
Fighter Sage Abilities
Paladin Sage Abilities
Ranger Sage Abilities