Weapons List

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Weapon Damage # of Hands Break Chance Attack Form
ankus 2-5 one 1 in 8 hand-to-hand
axe (short) 1-4 one 1 in 5 hand-to-hand, hurled
battle axe 1-8 both 1 in 8 hand-to-hand
bola 1-4 both 1 in 6 hurled
bo stick 2-5 both 1 in 8 hand-to-hand
bow (long) 1-8 both 1 in 4 fired
bow (short) 1-6 both 1 in 4 fired
club 1-6 one 1 in 4 hand-to-hand, hurled
corseque 2-7 both 1 in 8 hand-to-hand
crossbow (heavy) 3-13 both 1 in 6 fired
crossbow (light) 3-9 both 1 in 6 fired
dagger 1-4 one 1 in 6 hand-to-hand, hurled
dart 1-3 one 1 in 6 hand-to-hand, hurled
flail 2-7 both 1 in 8 hand-to-hand
flail (horse) 2-5 one 1 in 6 hand-to-hand
glaive 1-6 both 1 in 10 hand-to-hand
godentag 2-8 one 1 in 4 hand-to-hand
guisarme 2-8 both 1 in 6 hand-to-hand
halberd 1-10 both 1 in 5 hand-to-hand
hammer (short) 1-3 one 1 in 6 hand-to-hand, hurled
hand axe 1-6 one 1 in 6 hand-to-hand, hurled
javelin 1-6 one 1 in 6 hurled
jo stick 1-4 both 1 in 10 hand-to-hand
lance 1-6 one 1 in 3 mounted
mace 2-7 one 1 in 6 hand-to-hand
maul 1-10 both 1 in 6 hand-to-hand
morning star 2-8 both 1 in 8 hand-to-hand
pike 1-8 both 1 in 8 hand-to-hand
quarterstaff 1-6 both 1 in 6 hand-to-hand
scimitar 1-8 one 1 in 6 hand-to-hand
sling 1-4 both 1 in 6 hurled
spear 1-6 both 1 in 4 hand-to-hand, hurled
staff sling 1-4 both 1 in 6 hurled
sword (bastard) 2-8 one 1 in 5 hand-to-hand
sword (broad) 2-8 one 1 in 4 hand-to-hand
sword (long) 1-8 one 1 in 6 hand-to-hand
sword (short) 1-6 one 1 in 6 hand-to-hand
sword (two-handed) 1-10 both 1 in 5 hand-to-hand
trident 2-7 both 1 in 6 hand-to-hand, hurled
warhammer 1-6 one 1 in 6 hand-to-hand, hurled
Weapons List.jpg

The Weapons List presents the array of weapons available to player characters as proficiencies, detailing their potential for different types of damage, the number of hands required for use, their resilience against breaking and whether they function in melee combat or as missiles.

Weapons List.jpg


Among the various character classes, assassins, fighters, paladins and rangers face no restrictions on their choice of weapons. However, other classes are limited in their selection, with only the options listed below available to them.

The inclusion of various regional or specialised weapons, such as the ankus, godentag and corseque, suggests a level of cultural and historical influence in weapon selection, rather than a purely standardised set of armaments. This variety allows for a deeper level of customisation and distinction between characters of the same class, reinforcing the unique identities and backgrounds of those who wield them.

Missile weapons highlight an alternative approach to combat for those unable to engage in direct melee, offering ranged options to characters whose primary abilities may not involve brute force. The absence of certain iconic weapons, such as longbows or greatswords, in many cases further solidifies the intended role differentiation, preventing overlap between combat-heavy and support-focused classes.

Overall, the list not only serves as a mechanical guide for combat but also provides insight into the practical and thematic considerations that shape how weapons are used in the game world.

  • Bard: club, dagger, dart, javelin, quarterstaff, scimitar, sling, spear, sword (broad or short)
  • Cleric: bola, bo stick, club, flail, godentag, jo stick, mace, morning star, quarterstaff, sling, staff sling, warhammer
  • Druid: bola, club, dagger, dart, javelin, quarterstaff, scimitar, sling, staff sling, spear, trident, warhammer
  • Monk: bo stick, club, corseque, crossbow, dagger, glaive, guisarme, halberd, hand axe, javelin, jo stick, pike, quarterstaff, spear
  • Thief: ankus, bola, bo stick, club, dagger, dart, godentag, jo stick, quarterstaff, scimitar, sling, staff sling, sword (bastard), sword (broad, long or short)

The distribution of weapons among different classes reflects a balance between combat effectiveness, tradition and thematic roleplay, ensuring that each class operates within its intended strengths and limitations. The list demonstrates a clear distinction between those classes that excel in physical combat, those that rely on agility and precision, and those whose abilities are primarily non-martial in nature.

Weapon Notes

For weapons listed on the table that lack direct links, refer to pole arms, which encompass corseques, glaives, guisarmes, halberds and pikes, as well as swords, which include the specific examples shown.

In addition to the linked entries found on the weapons table, the following supplementary notes are provided:

  • battle axe: includes the military fork. Breaks will affect the handle 9 times out of 10.
  • bola: designed to take down humanoid creatures up to 350 lbs. in weight. If the thrower successfully hits AC 0, the balls and rope of the bola will wrap around the creature's body. The creature must make saving throw versus petrification or else the bola will trap the arms against the torso and the creature will be helpless. Otherwise, the creature has had the legs wrapped by the bola and will be able work free in 2-5 rounds. All other hits will simply cause damage.
  • corseque: includes the spetum.
  • flail (horse): includes the horseman's mace and the horseman's pick.
  • glaive: includes the couteaux de Breche, fauchard and partisan.
  • guisarme: includes the bardiche, bill, bill-guisarme, bill-hook, chauves souris, glaive-guisarme, guisarme-voulge, lochaber axe, lucerne hammer, ranseur, ransom, rhonca, roncie, runka, scorpion and voulge.
  • lance: indicates the damage done when used from a light horse. When using the lance on a medium warhorse, add 1 point to the damage. When used from a heavy warhorse (including the paladin's warhorse), add +2. When the lance is used in charging, damage is doubled. The lance is too heavy or cumbersome to use as a hand-to-hand weapon; it must be balanced upon a carriage attached to the horse's harness.
  • mace: includes the holy water sprinkler.
  • pike: includes the bec de corbin, Bohemian ear-spoon and fauchard-fork.
  • scimitar: includes the cutlass, sabre, sickle-sword and tulwar.
  • short axe: includes the pick axe.

See Combat